Tuesday, November 29, 2011

'Mwalimu Nyerere' 353,320 teachers are writing on their own walls,Vs your Own 'Fikra'

As Of this week data from the influential social media statistics collector, Socialbakers.com, Tanzania has reached a number of 353320 facebookers each writing on his/her wall.This is 0.84% of the Tanzanians; which means less than one person in hundread of Tanzanians access this phenomenomal social network.

To put it in another boring statistical data, Tanzania is in number 99th among 215 facebook users listed . USA is in top of the list with 155,981,460 users that equals to 50% of her population. Our next door neighbour Kenya is at number 71 with 1,232,800.

Founded in 2004 With Harvard graduates, Facebook is at infant stages of replacing word of mouth as a tool of human communication. Increasingly global traditional mainstream media is being replaced by this important social media network.

I bet Julius Nyerere, a first Tanzanian President is gazing with awe; how his defunct 'Daily News' & Radio Tanzania are increasingly being degraded and regarded as out fashion by generation X, who are now signing in each morning to facebook Vs waiting eargearly for a messenger to distribute a morning paper.

Tanzanian citizens aged 50-60 can vividly remember old days of Daily News and Uhuru when the duo were the only official print-medium of communication. Information was mainly sensored through one body known in swahili, ( Shirika la Habari Tanzania, SHIHATA). This was a replica of REUTERS. The former ruler Mwalimu( meaning 'The Teacher) was the only one allowed to write on the wall through the medium of the state controlled media.

Now with technology; information travels like wild fire. At the touch of the button, virtually anybody with a computer, a modem, or smart phone can access the net and utilize social media network to write any idea he/she wants to pass on.

Hang on, i am also thinking of the poor recepients/ readers of the info on the wall. Some of the ideas can intentionally or unintentionally misled the society with massive consequence. It is with this anxiousness of poor editorial status in mind tha our readers can be bombarded with gabbages and thus creating a stupid society.

History will judge who is right or wrong, Nyerere with his heavy hand censorship or those dudes from Harvard.

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