Friday, December 2, 2011

While the rest of the world chatts, Chinese sales man is making a Kill.

Statistics coming from an influential site dealing with facebook, Sociabakers give an insight on what is going around the world. That we like to chat a lot, and behind the scene some countries are only good in making money while the rest are engaged in gossping. Americans call it freedom of expression, but I may as well say not all the music is good for our ears.

Americans top the list on the number of people arleady signed on facebook. 50% of the population chat to each other and to the rest of the world. Interestingly China, the next economic superpower second to USA comes on the number 92nd with only 0.04% of her population chatting on the facebook.

On percentage;Tanzanians chatts more than chinese, at 0.90%. This means while we chat they produce and sell us a number of gadgets, toys, and all merchandise to beef up their coffers.

In December 2005, at the second Conference of Chinese and African Enterpreneurs, China's Premier, Wen Jibao, pledged that China trade with Africa would rise to US$100billion a year within five years. Forget the capital market, forget FDI, forget the US$40 billion a year aid programme, and forget trade with any other country in the world-this is just trade with China. Assuming that nothing else changed, that could be US$100 billion in 2010, US$100 billion in 2011, and the year after, and the year after, and the year after that.

Africa has a lot to offer for Chinese making the above investement bang a logical thing. Democratic Republic Of Congo (DRC) has a lot of minerals including coltan which is essential in manufacturing electronic capacitors used in consumer electronic products such as mobile phones, DVD players, video games and computers. So, China extracts that potential minerals, manufacture computers and smart phones to sale back to the same souls who sits on the same minerals. The receipients of the mobile phones and computers keep on chatting while chinese salesman is making a killing.

On the list of facebookers, 1.18% of congolese are signed up, again this is a bigger number than chinese.

So next time you sign on facebook, understand that those shorty creatures fill their bank accounts with your hard earned $$$$$$$$$$.

Get up, do something.

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