Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Socialism collapsed because it did not allow market to tell the economic truth. Capitalism may collapse because it does not allow the market to tell the ecological truth.
Oystein Dahle; The legendry enviromentalist, former Vice President of Exon for Norway and North Sea.
The quotation is placed precisely for the benefit of the global economy, Tanzania inclusive. Why should we survive on free market as every soul is free to do whatever he wants. Open corner bars with no zoning regulation, its ok, open up the local garage in the middle of the street, its ok, start a daladala fleet with no inspection checks, its ok. Once one remarked that not everybody can do business.
Today in Tanzania with no govermental checks and balance, everybody imports a car and loggs our narrower roads to the point of suffocation. In Dar Es Salaam riding a bicycle to work is impossible at the era politicians are bragging about environmental policies. How can we stop climatic disaster if every politician think of widening and constructing road network as a way of improving infrastructure.
Our cities grow organically instead of growing vertically while we have hundreds fo engineers.As Dar Es Salaam City grows organically forests are cleared and other species perishes. The mother nature cries as she's daily hammered and tortured by human activities.Imagine Dar Es Salaam of skyscrappers that would permit city workers to ride bicycle to and from work. Imagine a city with kids having open spaces to play.
We live everything to the shoulders of petty bourgeisie in determining where to put businesses. We do not have proper plan for residential housing, and even few reserved forests are in danger of being evaded.
Oystein Dahle; The legendry enviromentalist, former Vice President of Exon for Norway and North Sea.
The quotation is placed precisely for the benefit of the global economy, Tanzania inclusive. Why should we survive on free market as every soul is free to do whatever he wants. Open corner bars with no zoning regulation, its ok, open up the local garage in the middle of the street, its ok, start a daladala fleet with no inspection checks, its ok. Once one remarked that not everybody can do business.
Today in Tanzania with no govermental checks and balance, everybody imports a car and loggs our narrower roads to the point of suffocation. In Dar Es Salaam riding a bicycle to work is impossible at the era politicians are bragging about environmental policies. How can we stop climatic disaster if every politician think of widening and constructing road network as a way of improving infrastructure.
Our cities grow organically instead of growing vertically while we have hundreds fo engineers.As Dar Es Salaam City grows organically forests are cleared and other species perishes. The mother nature cries as she's daily hammered and tortured by human activities.Imagine Dar Es Salaam of skyscrappers that would permit city workers to ride bicycle to and from work. Imagine a city with kids having open spaces to play.
We live everything to the shoulders of petty bourgeisie in determining where to put businesses. We do not have proper plan for residential housing, and even few reserved forests are in danger of being evaded.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Why Tanzanians fail to have individualistic norms? of course we have a legacy of western education that favors individualism, but still its hard to forget a deeply embedded culture that cherishes clan/family status as against personal perspective.
This generation as it was the last generation (pre-independence)stresses formal education as a reference point that determines achievement in life. And yet our own tradition of togetherness, social settings conflicts with individual excellence that we learn in school. When a candidate seat in an exam, he sits alone, and he alone excels in that exam. We expect this newly grad to pursue a profession that would guarantee good life for himself and the family.
Yet as described by Mwl Nyerere; it is the whole village that sends a lad to go to school. The village expects him to behave at it pleases to the point of interfering the personal freedom that would otherwise cherish creativity,innovation and resourcefulness into the mankind.
Take marriage as a typical example. Do we have the age limit as when one should marry? Do we marry out of our own inner force or is it the community that forces one to marry? What is more important, marriage or wedding? Obviously time changes and the old-age habit that our parents where forcing us to marry from ones tribe is over. And yet up to now it is the wider community that influences timing and nature of that big day. Today, when A man proves to be economically independent ( he has a house and reasonable income,) his family, friends, workmates and the wider community expects him to marry. Sadly men spend enormous time and resources to please others so as to witness a big bash. What this community fails to appreciate is that this man is an individual with unique emotional needs, unique interests and above all personalized needs that can not be distinguished by their zeal to see a grand wedding.
What most of us fail to comprehend is that it is not necessary for one to have a wedding as against marriage. Marriage is sacred one but wedding is a sacrifice of personal freedom that people who are forcing one to have extraordinary bash will not be ready to share with him. Sometimes the freedom one is forced to leave behind may not only affect him as an individual but it can also lead into a loss of the whole nation. For example, take a student who fail to concentrate on his PhD dissertation simply because he is attending wedding preparation endeavors? Obviously the interests of the wedding preparation committee does not tally with the interests of his tutor who expects this student to excel in the dissertation.
With all inter connectivity with a Caucasian race over years since slavery, it seems forces of African tradition and norms still overrides individualistic tendency inherited from the early contact.
This generation as it was the last generation (pre-independence)stresses formal education as a reference point that determines achievement in life. And yet our own tradition of togetherness, social settings conflicts with individual excellence that we learn in school. When a candidate seat in an exam, he sits alone, and he alone excels in that exam. We expect this newly grad to pursue a profession that would guarantee good life for himself and the family.
Yet as described by Mwl Nyerere; it is the whole village that sends a lad to go to school. The village expects him to behave at it pleases to the point of interfering the personal freedom that would otherwise cherish creativity,innovation and resourcefulness into the mankind.
Take marriage as a typical example. Do we have the age limit as when one should marry? Do we marry out of our own inner force or is it the community that forces one to marry? What is more important, marriage or wedding? Obviously time changes and the old-age habit that our parents where forcing us to marry from ones tribe is over. And yet up to now it is the wider community that influences timing and nature of that big day. Today, when A man proves to be economically independent ( he has a house and reasonable income,) his family, friends, workmates and the wider community expects him to marry. Sadly men spend enormous time and resources to please others so as to witness a big bash. What this community fails to appreciate is that this man is an individual with unique emotional needs, unique interests and above all personalized needs that can not be distinguished by their zeal to see a grand wedding.
What most of us fail to comprehend is that it is not necessary for one to have a wedding as against marriage. Marriage is sacred one but wedding is a sacrifice of personal freedom that people who are forcing one to have extraordinary bash will not be ready to share with him. Sometimes the freedom one is forced to leave behind may not only affect him as an individual but it can also lead into a loss of the whole nation. For example, take a student who fail to concentrate on his PhD dissertation simply because he is attending wedding preparation endeavors? Obviously the interests of the wedding preparation committee does not tally with the interests of his tutor who expects this student to excel in the dissertation.
With all inter connectivity with a Caucasian race over years since slavery, it seems forces of African tradition and norms still overrides individualistic tendency inherited from the early contact.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
By Jake MacDonald
Its raining in New York, and in the cavernous gloom of penn station thousands of travellers pour down the hallways, the rustle of their feet and the echo of the train announcements combining into a kind of rapid-heartbeat rhythm.
When the blonde woman seated by herself in the departure lounge looks up and sees a man looking at her, she sends him a hard,wary glance that says 'step forward if you're who I think you are; otherwise, get lost'.
''Dr Fisher, I presume?''
Helen Fisher stands up and extends a small hand towards me. She's a trim 56-year-old dressed in the head-to-toe black ensemble of the seasoned New Yorker. Her manner is courteous and guarded as we head for a train to New Jersey, where she teaches at Rutgers University.
The human species is Fisher's specialty. she has just returned from a week spent living incommunicado with a clan of stone Age hunters in Africa. Among other things, she has determined that we all tend to behave in knee-jerk fashion when we're in the presence of an attractive member of the opposite sex. Put an eligible man and a woman within three meters of each other and they'll often launch into some courtship behavior that evolved long ago and that's invariably comic to watch if you're schooled in recognizing it, which most of us aren't.
When Fisher graduated with a doctorate in physical anthropology, very few scientists were conducting research into human courtship. There was a broad consensus that patterns of flirting,sex and marriage were culturally determined, and therefore varied from one country to the next.
But Fisher didn't buy it and went on to assemble a remarkable body of evidence that human being select mates,marry, cheat on each other and even get divorced in predictable patterns that are as old as the species itself.
Fisher's central message starts with the now-familiar notion that men and women are very different not because they've been raised that way by patriarchal society but because four million years of evolution have saddled them with very different temperaments and brains. She says men, for example, are inherently much more aggressive than women, and this innate aggressiveness has motivated men to excel in the worlds of business and politics. She says that furthermore, despite their protestations, women prefer such high-status males as sex partners and long-term mates. These views have not endeared her to some traditional feminists.
'They think my ideas are harmful' says Fisher, who says she is a feminist herself and has had a successful carrier in the male-dominated world of anthropology.'They think I'm betraying the cause.But my cause is science, my job is to get at the facts.
When it comes to human behavior, the 'facts' continue to be in dispute. Back in 17th century England,the philosopher John Locke described the mind of a child as a 'tabula rasa', or blank tablet, upon which any life imaginable could be written. Then in the 19th century, Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection put most of the emphasis on nature. His view prevailed until 20th century, when his ideas were hijacked by the eugenicists and the Nazis, who argued that natural selection proved the white race was inherently superior.
With the close of the second World War, 'social Darwinism' was discredited and thrown on the scrap heap. By the time Fisher was growing up in 1950's she says 'virtually every social scientist worth his salt had gone back to believing that the dominant force that shaped us was culture'.
During the late 1960's she studied at the University of Colorado. The Vietnam War was at its height and feminism, free love and black power were tearing up the streets. On Campus, the prevailing doctrine was that all human beings were virtually interchangeable. Boys and girls would grow up alike if you took away the Barbie dolls and toy trucks. 'I happen to be an identical twin, so I knew there was biology in behavior, but I did not argue the point,'says Fisher. 'I just quietly decided they were wrong.
She majored in psychology, but found her calling only after reading Jane Goodall's book In Shadow of Man. 'She was talking about chimpanzees, creatures that made friends, were jealous,had enemies, jockeyed for political position. As I read this book,I suddenly saw that here was a field of study that could explain both our physical origins and the origins of our behavior.'That field was anthropology.
A big insight came to Fisher in 1988 when she was travelling in a crowded New York subway carriage, reading divorce statistics. 'These were UN statistics from 62 countries,going back to 1947,' she says.'Incredibly,statistics seemed to show that people tend to divorce around four-year mark. To me,it clearly suggested that divorce might not be cultural malaise but an aspect of our inherited mating behavior. She looked at 'pair-bonds' in the animal world and discovered that many animals stay together only long enough to rear a single litter through infancy. 'In humans,the average time required to raise a child past infancy is four years.' Her investigation of divorce patterns led her into wide ranging research of mating traditions in both the human and animal worlds that grew into a book, Anatomy of Love. In the book,she examines the ancient drives that draw men and women together, weld them into a couple and,perhaps eventually, tear them apart. 'Some readers were alarmed by the book,' She says.'But I was not advocating infidelity,adultery, or divorce. I was explaining the basic aspects of human nature.'
Most couples, of course, survive the four-year crisis. What's the cement that holds them together? Is it friendship, dependency, sexual heat?
Most of us assume that these are all aspects of that complicated force called love.But Fisher's research indicates that lust,infatuation and long-term attachment are distinct drives.'Lust is not love. Lust is driven by brain chemistry, plain and simple.
But it's a dangerous game, sleeping with someone just for the sake of sex, because your levels of oxytocin and vasopressin will go way up and you'd better be ready for the consequences.
These powerful chemical produce feelings of attachment and you can become emotionally involved with someone who's quite inappropriate.'
Romantic love, or infatuation, is associated with a different barrage of chemicals. Romantic love, she hypothesises, produce dopamine, which generates obsessive feelings about the sexual partner.
From the evolutionary point of view, this natural addiction ensures that both parties will stick together and do the hard slogging if a pregnancy occurs. Infatuation is also characterised by persistent 'intrusive thinking' about the loved one. 'People who are infatuated testify that they are thinking about their lover at least 90 percent of the time,' It's no wonder that people in love feel so messed up.'
Fisher is now working on a new book about the brain chemistry of romantic love and says that while lovers are literally intoxicated by romance, the feeling fades. Why? Its possible that the brain nerve endings become used to high levels of natural stimulants, or the levels of chemical begin to drop. Either way, it takes two or three years for the feelings to subside, she says. For some relationships, that's the beginning of the end. 'But speaking as a woman, not as a scientist, I see feeling of love falling into three basic categories: sexual, romantic and attachment love. Long-term love can have some of each, but preserving sexual passion and romance and even attachment does require some work.
'You have to start by picking the right person,' says Fisher. 'Then establish some mutual goals and stick to them. Infatuation is a free ride, an overwhelming physiological and psychological experience that can swamp the rational mind. It is blissful when it is returned, excruciatingly painful when rejected.'
She says couples who survives the death of infatuation can then make the transition into what she calls attachment. Fisher theorizes that as infatuation subsides and attachment grows, so do the attachment chemicals oxytocin and vasopressin. Unlike dopamine, which make all revved up, these calm us down, says Fisher.
'When two people are happily attached, they feel a sense of peace and security. The challenge, of course,is in finding someone to share your life with.'
Fisher was married herself once, when she was 23. The marriage lasted six months. Throughout her life, she has had a series of 'wonderful' long-term relationship, but still she lives alone.
At a traffic light near The Plaza Hotel, she pauses to gaze a happy-looking couple walking hand in hand towards their waiting limousine.'The mystery never goes away,' she finally says. 'It just deepens. Look at me. I have studied love and come to know a great deal about it- but I still haven't learn how to do it-to fall in love and make it last.''
For more information on the work o Helen Fisher, visit her website at www.helenfisher.com
Source: Reprinted from Reader's Digest; February 2004
Its raining in New York, and in the cavernous gloom of penn station thousands of travellers pour down the hallways, the rustle of their feet and the echo of the train announcements combining into a kind of rapid-heartbeat rhythm.
When the blonde woman seated by herself in the departure lounge looks up and sees a man looking at her, she sends him a hard,wary glance that says 'step forward if you're who I think you are; otherwise, get lost'.
''Dr Fisher, I presume?''
Helen Fisher stands up and extends a small hand towards me. She's a trim 56-year-old dressed in the head-to-toe black ensemble of the seasoned New Yorker. Her manner is courteous and guarded as we head for a train to New Jersey, where she teaches at Rutgers University.
The human species is Fisher's specialty. she has just returned from a week spent living incommunicado with a clan of stone Age hunters in Africa. Among other things, she has determined that we all tend to behave in knee-jerk fashion when we're in the presence of an attractive member of the opposite sex. Put an eligible man and a woman within three meters of each other and they'll often launch into some courtship behavior that evolved long ago and that's invariably comic to watch if you're schooled in recognizing it, which most of us aren't.
When Fisher graduated with a doctorate in physical anthropology, very few scientists were conducting research into human courtship. There was a broad consensus that patterns of flirting,sex and marriage were culturally determined, and therefore varied from one country to the next.
But Fisher didn't buy it and went on to assemble a remarkable body of evidence that human being select mates,marry, cheat on each other and even get divorced in predictable patterns that are as old as the species itself.
Fisher's central message starts with the now-familiar notion that men and women are very different not because they've been raised that way by patriarchal society but because four million years of evolution have saddled them with very different temperaments and brains. She says men, for example, are inherently much more aggressive than women, and this innate aggressiveness has motivated men to excel in the worlds of business and politics. She says that furthermore, despite their protestations, women prefer such high-status males as sex partners and long-term mates. These views have not endeared her to some traditional feminists.
'They think my ideas are harmful' says Fisher, who says she is a feminist herself and has had a successful carrier in the male-dominated world of anthropology.'They think I'm betraying the cause.But my cause is science, my job is to get at the facts.
When it comes to human behavior, the 'facts' continue to be in dispute. Back in 17th century England,the philosopher John Locke described the mind of a child as a 'tabula rasa', or blank tablet, upon which any life imaginable could be written. Then in the 19th century, Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection put most of the emphasis on nature. His view prevailed until 20th century, when his ideas were hijacked by the eugenicists and the Nazis, who argued that natural selection proved the white race was inherently superior.
With the close of the second World War, 'social Darwinism' was discredited and thrown on the scrap heap. By the time Fisher was growing up in 1950's she says 'virtually every social scientist worth his salt had gone back to believing that the dominant force that shaped us was culture'.
During the late 1960's she studied at the University of Colorado. The Vietnam War was at its height and feminism, free love and black power were tearing up the streets. On Campus, the prevailing doctrine was that all human beings were virtually interchangeable. Boys and girls would grow up alike if you took away the Barbie dolls and toy trucks. 'I happen to be an identical twin, so I knew there was biology in behavior, but I did not argue the point,'says Fisher. 'I just quietly decided they were wrong.
She majored in psychology, but found her calling only after reading Jane Goodall's book In Shadow of Man. 'She was talking about chimpanzees, creatures that made friends, were jealous,had enemies, jockeyed for political position. As I read this book,I suddenly saw that here was a field of study that could explain both our physical origins and the origins of our behavior.'That field was anthropology.
A big insight came to Fisher in 1988 when she was travelling in a crowded New York subway carriage, reading divorce statistics. 'These were UN statistics from 62 countries,going back to 1947,' she says.'Incredibly,statistics seemed to show that people tend to divorce around four-year mark. To me,it clearly suggested that divorce might not be cultural malaise but an aspect of our inherited mating behavior. She looked at 'pair-bonds' in the animal world and discovered that many animals stay together only long enough to rear a single litter through infancy. 'In humans,the average time required to raise a child past infancy is four years.' Her investigation of divorce patterns led her into wide ranging research of mating traditions in both the human and animal worlds that grew into a book, Anatomy of Love. In the book,she examines the ancient drives that draw men and women together, weld them into a couple and,perhaps eventually, tear them apart. 'Some readers were alarmed by the book,' She says.'But I was not advocating infidelity,adultery, or divorce. I was explaining the basic aspects of human nature.'
Most couples, of course, survive the four-year crisis. What's the cement that holds them together? Is it friendship, dependency, sexual heat?
Most of us assume that these are all aspects of that complicated force called love.But Fisher's research indicates that lust,infatuation and long-term attachment are distinct drives.'Lust is not love. Lust is driven by brain chemistry, plain and simple.
But it's a dangerous game, sleeping with someone just for the sake of sex, because your levels of oxytocin and vasopressin will go way up and you'd better be ready for the consequences.
These powerful chemical produce feelings of attachment and you can become emotionally involved with someone who's quite inappropriate.'
Romantic love, or infatuation, is associated with a different barrage of chemicals. Romantic love, she hypothesises, produce dopamine, which generates obsessive feelings about the sexual partner.
From the evolutionary point of view, this natural addiction ensures that both parties will stick together and do the hard slogging if a pregnancy occurs. Infatuation is also characterised by persistent 'intrusive thinking' about the loved one. 'People who are infatuated testify that they are thinking about their lover at least 90 percent of the time,' It's no wonder that people in love feel so messed up.'
Fisher is now working on a new book about the brain chemistry of romantic love and says that while lovers are literally intoxicated by romance, the feeling fades. Why? Its possible that the brain nerve endings become used to high levels of natural stimulants, or the levels of chemical begin to drop. Either way, it takes two or three years for the feelings to subside, she says. For some relationships, that's the beginning of the end. 'But speaking as a woman, not as a scientist, I see feeling of love falling into three basic categories: sexual, romantic and attachment love. Long-term love can have some of each, but preserving sexual passion and romance and even attachment does require some work.
'You have to start by picking the right person,' says Fisher. 'Then establish some mutual goals and stick to them. Infatuation is a free ride, an overwhelming physiological and psychological experience that can swamp the rational mind. It is blissful when it is returned, excruciatingly painful when rejected.'
She says couples who survives the death of infatuation can then make the transition into what she calls attachment. Fisher theorizes that as infatuation subsides and attachment grows, so do the attachment chemicals oxytocin and vasopressin. Unlike dopamine, which make all revved up, these calm us down, says Fisher.
'When two people are happily attached, they feel a sense of peace and security. The challenge, of course,is in finding someone to share your life with.'
Fisher was married herself once, when she was 23. The marriage lasted six months. Throughout her life, she has had a series of 'wonderful' long-term relationship, but still she lives alone.
At a traffic light near The Plaza Hotel, she pauses to gaze a happy-looking couple walking hand in hand towards their waiting limousine.'The mystery never goes away,' she finally says. 'It just deepens. Look at me. I have studied love and come to know a great deal about it- but I still haven't learn how to do it-to fall in love and make it last.''
For more information on the work o Helen Fisher, visit her website at www.helenfisher.com
Source: Reprinted from Reader's Digest; February 2004
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
World Cup; less value for our money, and yes our time too!!!
For Africans world cup is a big disappointment.Among Four African countries only one, Ghana has narrowly escaped early exit to enter into second round. Our teams have failed to deliver, period. It is another blow to Africans as we're getting on 'business as usual' always getting lower valued outcomes.
Yes, as we move closer to globalization not only goods and services are of poor quality but also do not reach customers on time.On the other hand fans as well do not enjoy fully potentiality of the talents bestowed by their players.
Entertainment is truly part of the economy; businesses reaps billions out of the world cup as poor folks dishes out a fortune to watch the beautiful game in the bars, and lots of vijiwe in urban and rural areas. Moving around suburban DAR es salaam, bars charges minimum of 500/= as the entrance fee. Again one is expected to drink while watching the game. Even the build up before the first whistle in South Africa, we're already bombarded by marketing strategists from the likes of cellular phones companies,and other fast moving merchandising businesses, Pepsi included. personally I drank lots of Pepsi chancing to win a trip to south Africa.
After all these, we( Africans) have wasted our hard earned money. Our teams, notably South Africa, Algeria, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast did not perform to our expectation, and as customers demanding good value for our bucks we have to moan.
Hang on, we are used to lower quality good and services, and this one should not be the first or the last. Time in memorial, our quality of customer care have been wanting to say the least. Observing the world cup, one mark luck of goals though our players seem to be at par on technical side with their opponents.
Think about it, the issue is not delivery but how we deliver goods and services.End should justify the means, and loosely in almost every African game the final whistle throws sorrows to the esteemed African customers,( fans). Our teams play hard, but at the end fans need to celebrate, but still Drogba,Etto etc did not deliver.
I am not good in football, but looking at deliverance on this beautiful game, its easier to compare with other side of the economy. As producers of goods and services do we soothe our customers thirsty? Take supply of food as the case on hand! is the quality at its best? With much talk about Tanzanian 'Kilimo Kwanza', can we deliver food to customers with highest quality and timely? Or is this the case of 'business as usual'? For example, for years Africans have been used in consuming unprocessed foods with no complains whatsoever. Avocado, tomatoes,oranges, eggs, banana etc have been eaten on their raw forms for years. Just like Didier Drogba, African petty bourgeoisie have failed to add value on these items and thus miss the potential African market.
Africa is booming, and indeed the rapidly emerging African middle class could number as many as 300 million, out of total population of 1 billion, according to development expert Vijay Mahajan, author of the 2009 book Africa Rising. This newly big number of middle class hunger for higher standards of living is not met by African goods and services but shamelessly by imports outside the continent thus causing strain in our balance of payment.According to Newsweek( March 1 2010)in the last four years, the surge in private consumption of goods and services has accounted for two third of Africa's GDP growth. In Tanzania 80% of her citizens depend on agriculture for livelihood and yet their growth has been negligible not supported by the growth of the middle class. In other words what middle class consumes is not originated from African soil but foreign lands.
It is this failure of the system to nurture our own resources that enrich businesses outside the continent while accelerating poverty to our poor peasants in the rural areas.
Take Aliko Dangote, Africa's richest black entrepreneur who has cashed in on this consumer culture with a net worth of $2.5 billion, according to Forbes. Guess what he imports? his empire imports baby foods,cement and frozen fish among other stuff. Then one wonders!!! Is Africa short of fish??? why should my kins around Lake Victoria die miserably while missing 18 million people's market from Lagos?? And this is only Lagos.
Do we deliver goals in football, the answer is Big NO; On the equal proportion do we deliver goods and services to the middle class market, again the answer is NO.
Yes, as we move closer to globalization not only goods and services are of poor quality but also do not reach customers on time.On the other hand fans as well do not enjoy fully potentiality of the talents bestowed by their players.
Entertainment is truly part of the economy; businesses reaps billions out of the world cup as poor folks dishes out a fortune to watch the beautiful game in the bars, and lots of vijiwe in urban and rural areas. Moving around suburban DAR es salaam, bars charges minimum of 500/= as the entrance fee. Again one is expected to drink while watching the game. Even the build up before the first whistle in South Africa, we're already bombarded by marketing strategists from the likes of cellular phones companies,and other fast moving merchandising businesses, Pepsi included. personally I drank lots of Pepsi chancing to win a trip to south Africa.
After all these, we( Africans) have wasted our hard earned money. Our teams, notably South Africa, Algeria, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast did not perform to our expectation, and as customers demanding good value for our bucks we have to moan.
Hang on, we are used to lower quality good and services, and this one should not be the first or the last. Time in memorial, our quality of customer care have been wanting to say the least. Observing the world cup, one mark luck of goals though our players seem to be at par on technical side with their opponents.
Think about it, the issue is not delivery but how we deliver goods and services.End should justify the means, and loosely in almost every African game the final whistle throws sorrows to the esteemed African customers,( fans). Our teams play hard, but at the end fans need to celebrate, but still Drogba,Etto etc did not deliver.
I am not good in football, but looking at deliverance on this beautiful game, its easier to compare with other side of the economy. As producers of goods and services do we soothe our customers thirsty? Take supply of food as the case on hand! is the quality at its best? With much talk about Tanzanian 'Kilimo Kwanza', can we deliver food to customers with highest quality and timely? Or is this the case of 'business as usual'? For example, for years Africans have been used in consuming unprocessed foods with no complains whatsoever. Avocado, tomatoes,oranges, eggs, banana etc have been eaten on their raw forms for years. Just like Didier Drogba, African petty bourgeoisie have failed to add value on these items and thus miss the potential African market.
Africa is booming, and indeed the rapidly emerging African middle class could number as many as 300 million, out of total population of 1 billion, according to development expert Vijay Mahajan, author of the 2009 book Africa Rising. This newly big number of middle class hunger for higher standards of living is not met by African goods and services but shamelessly by imports outside the continent thus causing strain in our balance of payment.According to Newsweek( March 1 2010)in the last four years, the surge in private consumption of goods and services has accounted for two third of Africa's GDP growth. In Tanzania 80% of her citizens depend on agriculture for livelihood and yet their growth has been negligible not supported by the growth of the middle class. In other words what middle class consumes is not originated from African soil but foreign lands.
It is this failure of the system to nurture our own resources that enrich businesses outside the continent while accelerating poverty to our poor peasants in the rural areas.
Take Aliko Dangote, Africa's richest black entrepreneur who has cashed in on this consumer culture with a net worth of $2.5 billion, according to Forbes. Guess what he imports? his empire imports baby foods,cement and frozen fish among other stuff. Then one wonders!!! Is Africa short of fish??? why should my kins around Lake Victoria die miserably while missing 18 million people's market from Lagos?? And this is only Lagos.
Do we deliver goals in football, the answer is Big NO; On the equal proportion do we deliver goods and services to the middle class market, again the answer is NO.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
When old mates meet??
Something good happens.
Yesterday was a day recalling those wonderful days of Uru seminary, my old school.
My mate, Alfred John Nchimbi has declared to vie for the parliament seat through ruling party, CCM.
Nchimbi, a good friend of mine, is currently a member of 'Chama Cha Mapinduzi' political committee at Kinondoni District.
Nchimbi intends to ask the party endorsement for Ubungo parliamentary seat.
We had a good time and of course he has my support.
Yesterday was a day recalling those wonderful days of Uru seminary, my old school.
My mate, Alfred John Nchimbi has declared to vie for the parliament seat through ruling party, CCM.
Nchimbi, a good friend of mine, is currently a member of 'Chama Cha Mapinduzi' political committee at Kinondoni District.
Nchimbi intends to ask the party endorsement for Ubungo parliamentary seat.
We had a good time and of course he has my support.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Nyegera waitu Bukoba mjini!
Padri Privatus Karugendo Machi 3, 2010
LEO napenda kuzungumzia mji wa Bukoba ambao ndiyo makao makuu ya Mkoa wa Kagera. Kuna njia kuu tatu za kuingia mji wa Bukoba. Unaweza kuingia kwa barabara, kwa ndege au kwa meli.
Ukiingia Bukoba kwa ndege utatua kwenye uwanja wa ndege wa Bukoba ulio ufukweni mwa Ziwa Victoria ambao kwa sasa unafanyiwa ukarabati mkubwa wa upanuzi. Ukiwa unakaribia kutua unaweza kuwa na mawazo kwamba labda utatua majini au kwenye kisiwa cha Musira kilicho karibu sana na mji wa Bukoba.
Uwanja huu umelikaribia sana ziwa kiasi cha kuleta woga wakati ndege inatua na kupaa. Ingawa uwanja huu unaonyesha dalili za kutisha wakati wa kutua, si ajali nyingi zimetokea. Kumbukumbu zinaonyesha ndege mbili za jeshi kupata ajali katika uwanja wa Bukoba.
Ajali ya kwanza ilitokea wakati wa vita ya Kagera. Ndege ya jeshi ilikuwa inaruka ikakosea mwelekeo na kukiparamia kisiwa cha Musira. Miaka ya karibuni ndege nyingine ya jeshi ilikosa mwelekeo wakati ikitua na kuziparamia nyumba za wenyeji.
Ndege nyingine ya Precision Air iliokolewa na matuta; vinginevyo ingeserereka hadi ziwani. Jambo la msingi ni kuomba usiku na mchana isitokee ajali nyingine hadi uwanja huu utakapopanuliwa.
“Nyegera waitu”; ikimaanisha: Karibu Bwana ni neno la kwanza utakalolisikia Uwanja wa Ndege wa Bukoba. Baada ya neno hilo, ni mfululizo wa mchanganyiko wa Kihaya na Kiingereza. Mfano: “Omundege twaija comfortably bwana” – ikiwa na maana kwamba safari ya ndege ilikuwa shwari.
Nyegera waitu unaisikia pia ukiingia Bukoba kwa njia ya meli. Bandarini, wenyewe wanaita Kastamu, Nyegera zinakuwa nyingi sana; maana watu wengi wanasafiri kwa meli zaidi ya ndege.
Neno jingine utakalolisikia ni Waiyukayo; ikimaanisha pole ya safari. Neno hili halikusikika sana siku za nyuma. Limeanza kusikika mwaka 1996 baada ya ajali ya MV Bukoba.
Watu zamani walikuwa na imani na usafiri wa meli. Waliamini meli haiwezi kupatwa na ajali. Siku hizi kila anayepanda meli na jamaa zake wanaobaki nyuma wanakuwa na wasiwasi.
Safari hii ya meli ni ya usiku. Meli ya Victoria inachukua muda wa saa nane hivi kutoka Mwanza hadi Bukoba. Meli ndogo kama vile Serengeti inachukua karibu saa 12 kufika Bukoba. Marehemu Kalikawe aliimba wimbo kwamba meli ni kama Nyumba kubwa. Watu wanakula, wanakunywa na kulala….wakati mwingine mtu anaomba Mungu, na kufumba macho ili asiyaone yale yanayotendeka melini!
Siku MV Victoria ilipopoteza mwelekeo na kuingia nchi kavu, watu waliamini kuna kitu kilikuwa kinaendelea kwenye vyumba vya makapteni. Walinogewa hadi asubuhi na kusahau usukani!
Kuna barabara kuu mbili zinazoingia Bukoba mjini. Inategemea unaingia kutokea wapi. Kuna barabara ya Mwanza na Barabara ya Uganda. Zote mbili zinaungana kuwa barabara moja Kilometa moja kabla ya kuingia Bukoba mjini.
Kwenye kituo cha mabasi utaisikia tena Nyegera waitu na Waiyukayo ambayo inamaanisha Pole ya safari. Na inakuwa kweli na maana hiyo pole ya safari; kwani ukifika Bukoba mjini bila basi lenu kutekwa na majambazi ni lazima kumshukuru Mwenyezi Mungu!
Serikali imeshindwa kabisa kuwakamata majambazi hao. Kuna mchezo hapa wa nani amvike paka kengele. Wananchi wanawajua majambazi na wakati mwingine serikali inawajua majambazi.
Ni mpaka pawepo na uwazi na nia kwa pande zote mbili ndio tatizo hili litakwisha. Vinginevyo ningekushauri usitembelee Bukoba wakati wa kipindi cha Krismasi!
Mji wa Bukoba umezungukwa na vilima. Kuna Kilima cha Ihungo. Hapo kuna Sekondari ya zamani iliyokuwa ikujulikana kwa jina la St Thomas Mores College. Wasomi wengi nchini wamepitia kwenye shule hiyo.
Kilima kingine ni cha Kashura. Kilima hiki kinakaliwa kwa wingi na ELCT. Wamisionari walijenga hapo. Ni sehemu nzuri inayokufanya ulione ziwa Victoria vizuri na kuuangalia vizuri mji wa Bukoba.
Hata hivyo, Bukoba inaonekana vizuri zaidi ukiwa kwenye kilima cha Kishasha. Kilima hiki kina majumba mazuri ya kisasa ambayo kwa wale wasio na uwezo wa kuona mbali ya pua zao, wanayaita takataka na uchafuzi wa mji!
Ukiwa hapa unaweza kuona tatu ya nne ya mji wa Bukoba. Unapata picha nzuri ya Bukoba; jinsi mji ulivyozungukwa na milima na kuwa ufukweni mwa ziwa Victoria.
Pamoja na yote unayoyasikia kuhusu Bukoba utashangaa sana kuona maisha yanaendelea kama kawaida. Hakuna anayeogopa UKIMWI. Ukitaka kukutana na mwanamke au msichana na ukiamua kutumia KONDOMU au kutotumia, mwanamke atakwambia uamuzi ni wako.
Maana yake ni kwamba unaweza ukatumia kama unapenda au usitumie. Vituko vya nani kafumaniwa na nani ni vingi mno mjini Bukoba kuzidi kipindi kile kabla ya ugonjwa huu wa hatari haujapiga hodi.
Kama unayapenda maisha yako, ni lazima uingie Bukoba kwa uangalifu mkubwa sana. Mji unaonekana kuwa mzuri sana. Watu ni wakarimu kweli. Nyegera ni nyingi, lakini usipoangalia unaweza kupata Nyegera ya moja kwa moja!
Habari za mitaani ni kwamba kuna watu wenye pesa ambao ni waathirika wa UKIMWI. Watu hao wamepania kueneza ugonjwa huo. Wanatumia pesa zao kusambaza ugonjwa huo. Wanahakikisha wametembea na wanawake, wasichana wadogo kwa wakubwa. Wanatumia pesa zao kuangamiza kizazi kizima.
Watu hawa wana uwezo wa kununua dawa za kusogeza mbele maisha (ARVs); wana uwezo wa kula vizuri na kutunza afya zao. Wana uhakika wa kuishi maisha marefu kidogo. Hawajali kama watu wanaowaambukiza virusi wana uwezo kama wao.
Hivi ni kati ya vituko vya kusikitisha utakavyokumbana navyo mjini Bukoba. Kila mtu anajua juu ya jambo hili. Viongozi wa serikali wanalijua hili na viongozi wa dini wanalijua. Hakuna mtu wa kuwakanya; maana hawa ni watu ‘muhimu’ sana kwa serikali na kwa dini. Ni watu wanaotoa michango mizito serikalini na kwenye madhehebu mbalimbali.
Huwezi kutembelea Bukoba na usikose kuingia kwenye soko la Bukoba mjini. Vyakula utakavyoviona ni kama vile unavyoweza kukuta kwenye masoko yote ya Tanzania. Labda tu kwamba ndizi zitakuwa ni nyingi kupita sehemu nyingine unayoijua.
Mbali na ndizi, kama ni mwezi wa Novemba Au Aprili, utakuta senene. Senene ni aina ya wadudu wanaopendwa na Wahaya. Ni chakula cha heshima. Binti anayechumbiwa ni lazima kupeleka zawadi ya senene kwa mchumba wake.
Mwenye nyumba, baba wa familia, akiwa safari ndefu – tuseme safari ya kumchukua miaka mitatu, ni lazima mama wa nyumba atunze senene za kila mwaka. Atafunga mafungu mafungu hadi bwana atakaporudi.
Bibi mwenye wajukuu, ni lazima afunge mafungu ya senene kwa kila mjukuu. Wajukuu wanapomtembelea kila mjukuu anapata fungu lake! Mtu ukipewa senene ni lazima kuna kusema asante. Mara nyingi asante hii inakuwa ni kitenge, kanga au pesa.
Zamani senene walikamatwa mbugani. Lakini siku hizi wataalamu wamegundua namna ya kuwakamata kwa urahisi. Wanatumia taa za umeme zenye mwanga mkali. Taa hizi zina uwezo wa kuwavuta senene kutoka sehemu za mbali hadi Kilomita kumi.
Wakati wa msimu wa senene wataalamu wa Bukoba mjini wanaweka taa za umeme zenye mwanga mkali kwenye paa za nyumba ili kuwavuta senene. Hii ni biashara nzuri; maana mtu mwenye taa ya mwanga mkali anawatoza pesa watu wanaofika kwake kukamata senene! Zoezi hili ni la kila mwaka hasa mwezi wa Novemba na Machi.
Wahaya wanalima kahawa. Hili ni zao kuu la biashara. Jambo la kushangaza ni kwamba pamoja na kulima kahawa, watu hawa hawanywi kahawa! Hata wale wachache wanaokunywa kahawa, watakwambia wanakunywa Chai (ka-chai).
Wakati bei ya kahawa inaendelea kushuka kwenye soko la dunia na kuathiri kiasi kikubwa uchumi wa mkoa wa Kagera, inashangaza sana Wahaya kulalamikia bei mbaya ya kahawa wakati wao hawanywi kahawa yao! Badala ya kunywa kahawa wana utamaduni wa kutafuna kahawa, na hii ni ishara ya upendo.
Ukimtembelea mtu nyumbani kwake, asipokukaribisha kwa kahawa za kutafuna, ni ishara ya kutokuwepo na upendo kati yenu. Hata hivyo, kiasi kinachotafunwa ni kidogo sana kiasi cha kuweza kupandisha bei ya kahawa.
Kuna haja ya Wahaya na Watanzania kwa ujumla kujenga tabia ya kunywa kahawa kwa lengo la kulinda soko na bei ya kahawa.
Wahaya wanapenda dini. Hili utalitambua kwa misikiti mikubwa na makanisa yaliyo mjini Bukoba. Ukisimama kwenye kilima chochote kile kinachouinamia mji wa Bukoba, utaona misikiti na makanisa ikichomoza.
Utauona msikiti wa Uswahilini uliojengwa kwa mtindo wa kisasa. Utaliona Kanisa Kuu la Kanisa la Kiinjili la Kilutheri (KKKT) ambalo linajulikana kama kengele tatu. Linaonekana kuupamba mji wa Bukoba na kuonyesha kwamba mji huu ni wa wacha Mungu.
Nayo Cathedral ya Wakatoliki inafanyiwa ukarabati. Sasa hivi ni zaidi ya miaka kumi tangia ukarabati huo uanze. Ni kanisa kubwa na la kuvutia. Mnara wake unaonekana ukichomoza kuyazidi majengo yote ya Bukoba mjini na kutangaza utukufu wa Roma.
Kanisa hili ndio litakuwa kaburi la marehemu Kadinali Rugambwa. Sasa hivi amezikwa kwenye kaburi la muda kwenye Kanisa la Kashozi. Kwa nini ukarabati wa kanisa hili umechukua muda mrefu? Kila mtu anajua jibu! Lakini kila mtu anafunga mdomo wake! Wale wanaothubutu kusema wanatumia mafumbo.
Lugha ya Kihaya inatumia mafumbo mengi. Ni lazima ujifunze lugha ya mafumbo ukiwa Bukoba. Ukisikia maji usifikiri ni yale ya kunywa na ukisikia chakula usikimbilie meza ya chakula. Hata kituo kipya cha redio kilichoanzishwa mjini Bukoba kijulikanacho kama Kasibante, ni mafumbo matupu. Maana yake inaelekea ni “kumfunga ng’ombe”. Kwa historia ya kiti cha ubunge cha Bukoba Mjini, na ikizingatiwa mmiliki wa Redio Kasibante, ujumbe wa fumbo uko wazi!
Kanisa la Orthodox limeingia kwa nguvu mjini Bukoba. Kanisa lao linapamba kilima kimojawapo kinachouinamia mji wa Bukoba. Pia wamejenga kanisa zuri mjini Bukoba na wanaendelea kujenga makanisa mengine vijijini.
Usishangae kukutana na watoto wengi wa mitaani mjini Bukoba. Pamoja na kwamba watu ni wacha Mungu, wana makanisa mazuri na misikiti mizuri (na kusema kweli makanisa na misikiti inajaa waumini), hakuna anayewajali watoto wa mitaani.
Ukizungumza na watoto hao kwa karibu, utashangaa sana kujua kwamba watoto wengine baba zao ni viongozi katika makanisa na misikiti. Ndio hivyo! Jinsi wanavyosali sana na kumcha Mwenyezi Mungu, ndivyo pia na madhambi kibao.
Mengine sitaki kuzungumza. Acha ukutane nayo mwenyewe. Acha uambiwe Nyegera waitu. Kama wewe ni mtu wa familia, chunga sana usijenge nyumba ndogo Bukoba. Kama wewe ni kijana ambaye hujapata jiko huwezi kukwepa kuitwa Omwami wange (Bwana yangu).
Wengi waliopitia mjini Bukoba wakati wa ujana wao wameoa Bukoba au wana ‘nyumba ndogo’. Sitopenda kuwataja!
Bukoba ni mahali pazuri kweli. Kama wenyewe wanavyoisifia. Pana Ziwa Victoria, pana mito mizuri inayotiririka na kuifanya Bukoba ionekane kijani wakati wote. Ina mvua mwaka mzima. Kama si uvivu wa Wahaya, wangeweza kulima na kuilisha chakula Tanzania nzima.
Bukoba ina vilima na mabonde; vitu vinavyoipamba na kuipendezesha. Bukoba ina vivutio vingi vya kitalii. Bukoba ni nzuri! Hakuna kizuri kisichokuwa na kasoro. Kasoro hizo nimezitaja moja baada ya nyingine. Kama unataka nizirudie nitakwambia Nyegera waitu.
The longest journey starts with the first step - Chinese
If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything. - Unknown
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Padri Privatus Karugendo Machi 3, 2010
LEO napenda kuzungumzia mji wa Bukoba ambao ndiyo makao makuu ya Mkoa wa Kagera. Kuna njia kuu tatu za kuingia mji wa Bukoba. Unaweza kuingia kwa barabara, kwa ndege au kwa meli.
Ukiingia Bukoba kwa ndege utatua kwenye uwanja wa ndege wa Bukoba ulio ufukweni mwa Ziwa Victoria ambao kwa sasa unafanyiwa ukarabati mkubwa wa upanuzi. Ukiwa unakaribia kutua unaweza kuwa na mawazo kwamba labda utatua majini au kwenye kisiwa cha Musira kilicho karibu sana na mji wa Bukoba.
Uwanja huu umelikaribia sana ziwa kiasi cha kuleta woga wakati ndege inatua na kupaa. Ingawa uwanja huu unaonyesha dalili za kutisha wakati wa kutua, si ajali nyingi zimetokea. Kumbukumbu zinaonyesha ndege mbili za jeshi kupata ajali katika uwanja wa Bukoba.
Ajali ya kwanza ilitokea wakati wa vita ya Kagera. Ndege ya jeshi ilikuwa inaruka ikakosea mwelekeo na kukiparamia kisiwa cha Musira. Miaka ya karibuni ndege nyingine ya jeshi ilikosa mwelekeo wakati ikitua na kuziparamia nyumba za wenyeji.
Ndege nyingine ya Precision Air iliokolewa na matuta; vinginevyo ingeserereka hadi ziwani. Jambo la msingi ni kuomba usiku na mchana isitokee ajali nyingine hadi uwanja huu utakapopanuliwa.
“Nyegera waitu”; ikimaanisha: Karibu Bwana ni neno la kwanza utakalolisikia Uwanja wa Ndege wa Bukoba. Baada ya neno hilo, ni mfululizo wa mchanganyiko wa Kihaya na Kiingereza. Mfano: “Omundege twaija comfortably bwana” – ikiwa na maana kwamba safari ya ndege ilikuwa shwari.
Nyegera waitu unaisikia pia ukiingia Bukoba kwa njia ya meli. Bandarini, wenyewe wanaita Kastamu, Nyegera zinakuwa nyingi sana; maana watu wengi wanasafiri kwa meli zaidi ya ndege.
Neno jingine utakalolisikia ni Waiyukayo; ikimaanisha pole ya safari. Neno hili halikusikika sana siku za nyuma. Limeanza kusikika mwaka 1996 baada ya ajali ya MV Bukoba.
Watu zamani walikuwa na imani na usafiri wa meli. Waliamini meli haiwezi kupatwa na ajali. Siku hizi kila anayepanda meli na jamaa zake wanaobaki nyuma wanakuwa na wasiwasi.
Safari hii ya meli ni ya usiku. Meli ya Victoria inachukua muda wa saa nane hivi kutoka Mwanza hadi Bukoba. Meli ndogo kama vile Serengeti inachukua karibu saa 12 kufika Bukoba. Marehemu Kalikawe aliimba wimbo kwamba meli ni kama Nyumba kubwa. Watu wanakula, wanakunywa na kulala….wakati mwingine mtu anaomba Mungu, na kufumba macho ili asiyaone yale yanayotendeka melini!
Siku MV Victoria ilipopoteza mwelekeo na kuingia nchi kavu, watu waliamini kuna kitu kilikuwa kinaendelea kwenye vyumba vya makapteni. Walinogewa hadi asubuhi na kusahau usukani!
Kuna barabara kuu mbili zinazoingia Bukoba mjini. Inategemea unaingia kutokea wapi. Kuna barabara ya Mwanza na Barabara ya Uganda. Zote mbili zinaungana kuwa barabara moja Kilometa moja kabla ya kuingia Bukoba mjini.
Kwenye kituo cha mabasi utaisikia tena Nyegera waitu na Waiyukayo ambayo inamaanisha Pole ya safari. Na inakuwa kweli na maana hiyo pole ya safari; kwani ukifika Bukoba mjini bila basi lenu kutekwa na majambazi ni lazima kumshukuru Mwenyezi Mungu!
Serikali imeshindwa kabisa kuwakamata majambazi hao. Kuna mchezo hapa wa nani amvike paka kengele. Wananchi wanawajua majambazi na wakati mwingine serikali inawajua majambazi.
Ni mpaka pawepo na uwazi na nia kwa pande zote mbili ndio tatizo hili litakwisha. Vinginevyo ningekushauri usitembelee Bukoba wakati wa kipindi cha Krismasi!
Mji wa Bukoba umezungukwa na vilima. Kuna Kilima cha Ihungo. Hapo kuna Sekondari ya zamani iliyokuwa ikujulikana kwa jina la St Thomas Mores College. Wasomi wengi nchini wamepitia kwenye shule hiyo.
Kilima kingine ni cha Kashura. Kilima hiki kinakaliwa kwa wingi na ELCT. Wamisionari walijenga hapo. Ni sehemu nzuri inayokufanya ulione ziwa Victoria vizuri na kuuangalia vizuri mji wa Bukoba.
Hata hivyo, Bukoba inaonekana vizuri zaidi ukiwa kwenye kilima cha Kishasha. Kilima hiki kina majumba mazuri ya kisasa ambayo kwa wale wasio na uwezo wa kuona mbali ya pua zao, wanayaita takataka na uchafuzi wa mji!
Ukiwa hapa unaweza kuona tatu ya nne ya mji wa Bukoba. Unapata picha nzuri ya Bukoba; jinsi mji ulivyozungukwa na milima na kuwa ufukweni mwa ziwa Victoria.
Pamoja na yote unayoyasikia kuhusu Bukoba utashangaa sana kuona maisha yanaendelea kama kawaida. Hakuna anayeogopa UKIMWI. Ukitaka kukutana na mwanamke au msichana na ukiamua kutumia KONDOMU au kutotumia, mwanamke atakwambia uamuzi ni wako.
Maana yake ni kwamba unaweza ukatumia kama unapenda au usitumie. Vituko vya nani kafumaniwa na nani ni vingi mno mjini Bukoba kuzidi kipindi kile kabla ya ugonjwa huu wa hatari haujapiga hodi.
Kama unayapenda maisha yako, ni lazima uingie Bukoba kwa uangalifu mkubwa sana. Mji unaonekana kuwa mzuri sana. Watu ni wakarimu kweli. Nyegera ni nyingi, lakini usipoangalia unaweza kupata Nyegera ya moja kwa moja!
Habari za mitaani ni kwamba kuna watu wenye pesa ambao ni waathirika wa UKIMWI. Watu hao wamepania kueneza ugonjwa huo. Wanatumia pesa zao kusambaza ugonjwa huo. Wanahakikisha wametembea na wanawake, wasichana wadogo kwa wakubwa. Wanatumia pesa zao kuangamiza kizazi kizima.
Watu hawa wana uwezo wa kununua dawa za kusogeza mbele maisha (ARVs); wana uwezo wa kula vizuri na kutunza afya zao. Wana uhakika wa kuishi maisha marefu kidogo. Hawajali kama watu wanaowaambukiza virusi wana uwezo kama wao.
Hivi ni kati ya vituko vya kusikitisha utakavyokumbana navyo mjini Bukoba. Kila mtu anajua juu ya jambo hili. Viongozi wa serikali wanalijua hili na viongozi wa dini wanalijua. Hakuna mtu wa kuwakanya; maana hawa ni watu ‘muhimu’ sana kwa serikali na kwa dini. Ni watu wanaotoa michango mizito serikalini na kwenye madhehebu mbalimbali.
Huwezi kutembelea Bukoba na usikose kuingia kwenye soko la Bukoba mjini. Vyakula utakavyoviona ni kama vile unavyoweza kukuta kwenye masoko yote ya Tanzania. Labda tu kwamba ndizi zitakuwa ni nyingi kupita sehemu nyingine unayoijua.
Mbali na ndizi, kama ni mwezi wa Novemba Au Aprili, utakuta senene. Senene ni aina ya wadudu wanaopendwa na Wahaya. Ni chakula cha heshima. Binti anayechumbiwa ni lazima kupeleka zawadi ya senene kwa mchumba wake.
Mwenye nyumba, baba wa familia, akiwa safari ndefu – tuseme safari ya kumchukua miaka mitatu, ni lazima mama wa nyumba atunze senene za kila mwaka. Atafunga mafungu mafungu hadi bwana atakaporudi.
Bibi mwenye wajukuu, ni lazima afunge mafungu ya senene kwa kila mjukuu. Wajukuu wanapomtembelea kila mjukuu anapata fungu lake! Mtu ukipewa senene ni lazima kuna kusema asante. Mara nyingi asante hii inakuwa ni kitenge, kanga au pesa.
Zamani senene walikamatwa mbugani. Lakini siku hizi wataalamu wamegundua namna ya kuwakamata kwa urahisi. Wanatumia taa za umeme zenye mwanga mkali. Taa hizi zina uwezo wa kuwavuta senene kutoka sehemu za mbali hadi Kilomita kumi.
Wakati wa msimu wa senene wataalamu wa Bukoba mjini wanaweka taa za umeme zenye mwanga mkali kwenye paa za nyumba ili kuwavuta senene. Hii ni biashara nzuri; maana mtu mwenye taa ya mwanga mkali anawatoza pesa watu wanaofika kwake kukamata senene! Zoezi hili ni la kila mwaka hasa mwezi wa Novemba na Machi.
Wahaya wanalima kahawa. Hili ni zao kuu la biashara. Jambo la kushangaza ni kwamba pamoja na kulima kahawa, watu hawa hawanywi kahawa! Hata wale wachache wanaokunywa kahawa, watakwambia wanakunywa Chai (ka-chai).
Wakati bei ya kahawa inaendelea kushuka kwenye soko la dunia na kuathiri kiasi kikubwa uchumi wa mkoa wa Kagera, inashangaza sana Wahaya kulalamikia bei mbaya ya kahawa wakati wao hawanywi kahawa yao! Badala ya kunywa kahawa wana utamaduni wa kutafuna kahawa, na hii ni ishara ya upendo.
Ukimtembelea mtu nyumbani kwake, asipokukaribisha kwa kahawa za kutafuna, ni ishara ya kutokuwepo na upendo kati yenu. Hata hivyo, kiasi kinachotafunwa ni kidogo sana kiasi cha kuweza kupandisha bei ya kahawa.
Kuna haja ya Wahaya na Watanzania kwa ujumla kujenga tabia ya kunywa kahawa kwa lengo la kulinda soko na bei ya kahawa.
Wahaya wanapenda dini. Hili utalitambua kwa misikiti mikubwa na makanisa yaliyo mjini Bukoba. Ukisimama kwenye kilima chochote kile kinachouinamia mji wa Bukoba, utaona misikiti na makanisa ikichomoza.
Utauona msikiti wa Uswahilini uliojengwa kwa mtindo wa kisasa. Utaliona Kanisa Kuu la Kanisa la Kiinjili la Kilutheri (KKKT) ambalo linajulikana kama kengele tatu. Linaonekana kuupamba mji wa Bukoba na kuonyesha kwamba mji huu ni wa wacha Mungu.
Nayo Cathedral ya Wakatoliki inafanyiwa ukarabati. Sasa hivi ni zaidi ya miaka kumi tangia ukarabati huo uanze. Ni kanisa kubwa na la kuvutia. Mnara wake unaonekana ukichomoza kuyazidi majengo yote ya Bukoba mjini na kutangaza utukufu wa Roma.
Kanisa hili ndio litakuwa kaburi la marehemu Kadinali Rugambwa. Sasa hivi amezikwa kwenye kaburi la muda kwenye Kanisa la Kashozi. Kwa nini ukarabati wa kanisa hili umechukua muda mrefu? Kila mtu anajua jibu! Lakini kila mtu anafunga mdomo wake! Wale wanaothubutu kusema wanatumia mafumbo.
Lugha ya Kihaya inatumia mafumbo mengi. Ni lazima ujifunze lugha ya mafumbo ukiwa Bukoba. Ukisikia maji usifikiri ni yale ya kunywa na ukisikia chakula usikimbilie meza ya chakula. Hata kituo kipya cha redio kilichoanzishwa mjini Bukoba kijulikanacho kama Kasibante, ni mafumbo matupu. Maana yake inaelekea ni “kumfunga ng’ombe”. Kwa historia ya kiti cha ubunge cha Bukoba Mjini, na ikizingatiwa mmiliki wa Redio Kasibante, ujumbe wa fumbo uko wazi!
Kanisa la Orthodox limeingia kwa nguvu mjini Bukoba. Kanisa lao linapamba kilima kimojawapo kinachouinamia mji wa Bukoba. Pia wamejenga kanisa zuri mjini Bukoba na wanaendelea kujenga makanisa mengine vijijini.
Usishangae kukutana na watoto wengi wa mitaani mjini Bukoba. Pamoja na kwamba watu ni wacha Mungu, wana makanisa mazuri na misikiti mizuri (na kusema kweli makanisa na misikiti inajaa waumini), hakuna anayewajali watoto wa mitaani.
Ukizungumza na watoto hao kwa karibu, utashangaa sana kujua kwamba watoto wengine baba zao ni viongozi katika makanisa na misikiti. Ndio hivyo! Jinsi wanavyosali sana na kumcha Mwenyezi Mungu, ndivyo pia na madhambi kibao.
Mengine sitaki kuzungumza. Acha ukutane nayo mwenyewe. Acha uambiwe Nyegera waitu. Kama wewe ni mtu wa familia, chunga sana usijenge nyumba ndogo Bukoba. Kama wewe ni kijana ambaye hujapata jiko huwezi kukwepa kuitwa Omwami wange (Bwana yangu).
Wengi waliopitia mjini Bukoba wakati wa ujana wao wameoa Bukoba au wana ‘nyumba ndogo’. Sitopenda kuwataja!
Bukoba ni mahali pazuri kweli. Kama wenyewe wanavyoisifia. Pana Ziwa Victoria, pana mito mizuri inayotiririka na kuifanya Bukoba ionekane kijani wakati wote. Ina mvua mwaka mzima. Kama si uvivu wa Wahaya, wangeweza kulima na kuilisha chakula Tanzania nzima.
Bukoba ina vilima na mabonde; vitu vinavyoipamba na kuipendezesha. Bukoba ina vivutio vingi vya kitalii. Bukoba ni nzuri! Hakuna kizuri kisichokuwa na kasoro. Kasoro hizo nimezitaja moja baada ya nyingine. Kama unataka nizirudie nitakwambia Nyegera waitu.
The longest journey starts with the first step - Chinese
If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything. - Unknown
please visit www.mtukwao-florian-florian.blogspot.com
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Why some Countries Grow While Others Do not?
Questions are being asked, why do other countries grow while others do not? What determine the rate of growth of a country? Why do countries with similar geographical conditions or with same natural resources differ in growth?
Inputs of growth are Land (Natural Resources, soil, Climate, Minerals, and Hydrocarbons), Labor ( Human Resources, Putting unemployed to work, and Education) and Capital ( Financial Resources, Domestic savings,and Foreign Capital).
There are two different growth models, i.e Input Driven Growth and Productivity-Driven Growth.
The input-driven growth depends on 1)extracting natural resources which eventually, this hits a maximum rate; 2)Putting unemployed to work, eventually, everyone is working and; 3)mobilizing people's savings, eventually, all savings are mobilized.
In productivity-driven growth, when inputs are fully used, further growth can come only from higher productivity. Productivity-driven growth = more output per unit input. Therefore, to grow fastest:
Max: Output/Input
Why is Africa not growing?
There are three types of theories used to explain reasons for Africa's undergrowth. These are geographical theories, legacy theories and institutional theories.
Geographical theories suggest that Africa is not growing because it has bad climate, presence of many kinds of disease, isolation from coast, and poor soil quality.
Legacy theories suggest that Africa is not growing as a result of recent colonial history and effects of tribalism. Institutional theories suggest that the African continent is not growing due to inefficient courts, corruption and authoritarian governments, plus lack of adequate schooling.
But,what made Botswana different? Not geographical because the country is landlocked and arid. The Country has one of World's highest AIDS rates. Not colonial history because British colonialists left 12 km of paved road and 22 University graduates. Institutions of private property are what made Botswana different from other countries of Africa.
In Botswana, a broad cross-section of the people have effective property rights: rule of law, sanctity of contract, and minimal state or private predation; Relatively efficient, business-friendly bureaucracy; and Conservative fiscal policy.
Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson careful statistical research in 2000-2002 suggests that good institutions lead powerfully to economic growth, i.e. accounts for 3/4 of the gap between rich and poor countries. Controlling for institutional quality, Africa is not an outlier.
According to Professor David O.Beim of Columbia Business School, Botswana got where it is today as a result of pre-colonial history of power sharing, good governments of Seretse Khama and Quett Masire, Orthodox economic policies, and Diamond (40% of GDP).
Natural Resources
Diamonds did not help Sierra Leone. On average, there is a reverse correlation of natural resources to growth. Extraction does not build economy and this can be clearly explained when one looks at an example of Indonesia Vs. Japan, and of Saudi Arabia. While Indonesia is one of the World's largest extractors of iron, Japan does not extract anything of significance, but the later is the world's second largest economy while the former is a developing country.
This can also be explained from an example of Saudia Arabia. While the Country is the World's number one producer of crude oil, it is not among the leading economies of the World.
Foreign Aid
Raghuram Rajan, Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund ( IMF) in 2003-2006 concluded that foreign aid does not correlate with growth, but rather it does correlate with corruption. According to Rajan, what matters is a good private sector protected by a good government.
Free Financial Markets
High-return, value-creating projects accelerate economic growth. Free financial markets shower capital on high-return projects and snatch it away value destroyers.
Source: The Manager( Pilot Edition October/December 2009)
Inputs of growth are Land (Natural Resources, soil, Climate, Minerals, and Hydrocarbons), Labor ( Human Resources, Putting unemployed to work, and Education) and Capital ( Financial Resources, Domestic savings,and Foreign Capital).
There are two different growth models, i.e Input Driven Growth and Productivity-Driven Growth.
The input-driven growth depends on 1)extracting natural resources which eventually, this hits a maximum rate; 2)Putting unemployed to work, eventually, everyone is working and; 3)mobilizing people's savings, eventually, all savings are mobilized.
In productivity-driven growth, when inputs are fully used, further growth can come only from higher productivity. Productivity-driven growth = more output per unit input. Therefore, to grow fastest:
Max: Output/Input
Why is Africa not growing?
There are three types of theories used to explain reasons for Africa's undergrowth. These are geographical theories, legacy theories and institutional theories.
Geographical theories suggest that Africa is not growing because it has bad climate, presence of many kinds of disease, isolation from coast, and poor soil quality.
Legacy theories suggest that Africa is not growing as a result of recent colonial history and effects of tribalism. Institutional theories suggest that the African continent is not growing due to inefficient courts, corruption and authoritarian governments, plus lack of adequate schooling.
But,what made Botswana different? Not geographical because the country is landlocked and arid. The Country has one of World's highest AIDS rates. Not colonial history because British colonialists left 12 km of paved road and 22 University graduates. Institutions of private property are what made Botswana different from other countries of Africa.
In Botswana, a broad cross-section of the people have effective property rights: rule of law, sanctity of contract, and minimal state or private predation; Relatively efficient, business-friendly bureaucracy; and Conservative fiscal policy.
Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson careful statistical research in 2000-2002 suggests that good institutions lead powerfully to economic growth, i.e. accounts for 3/4 of the gap between rich and poor countries. Controlling for institutional quality, Africa is not an outlier.
According to Professor David O.Beim of Columbia Business School, Botswana got where it is today as a result of pre-colonial history of power sharing, good governments of Seretse Khama and Quett Masire, Orthodox economic policies, and Diamond (40% of GDP).
Natural Resources
Diamonds did not help Sierra Leone. On average, there is a reverse correlation of natural resources to growth. Extraction does not build economy and this can be clearly explained when one looks at an example of Indonesia Vs. Japan, and of Saudi Arabia. While Indonesia is one of the World's largest extractors of iron, Japan does not extract anything of significance, but the later is the world's second largest economy while the former is a developing country.
This can also be explained from an example of Saudia Arabia. While the Country is the World's number one producer of crude oil, it is not among the leading economies of the World.
Foreign Aid
Raghuram Rajan, Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund ( IMF) in 2003-2006 concluded that foreign aid does not correlate with growth, but rather it does correlate with corruption. According to Rajan, what matters is a good private sector protected by a good government.
Free Financial Markets
High-return, value-creating projects accelerate economic growth. Free financial markets shower capital on high-return projects and snatch it away value destroyers.
Source: The Manager( Pilot Edition October/December 2009)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Across Africa we have a crisis; and its a crisis of leadership that prove a catastrophic to our daily well-being. Yet we have been led to believe without questioning that linear formal education should be/ and has been an answer to our woes.
Julius Kambarage Nyerere was the first President of Independent Tanganyika. He had a Master Degree from Edinburgh, Scotland. That was a degree in History. 45 years later our leadership lineup is the congregation of certification to the extent of even accepting fake credentials in the form of PhD's ( if the current allegation are true).
Yet what we are missing is the bunch of leaders whose brain are engaged with the whole mind development. Scientists have ascertained that a human brain consists of two sides of the coin. Left brain dealing with the development of what we already know, mathematics, physics, biology, history, English, accounts etc, and right brain that deals with the creativity part of the circle. Unfortunately formal schooling mutes the development of our right brain and thus humans ( even our leaders) fails to be creative, innovative, playful, and above all empathetic.
Listen to the words of our honorable member of Parliament to appreciate how shallow minded our leaders are!! its a pity that a leader tells journalists that what he has is 'vijisenti' compared to other leaders. These are the words from a highly learned lawyer telling the forth organ of the nation, 'The Media'. Again its ironic when a Region Commissioner of Dar Es Salaam shamelessly says that he can not evict people residing at Msimbazi valley amid torrential rain simply because this is the election year.
A solution to the poor moral behaviors of our leaders lays to the way we raise our kids. Mathematics, history, English is necessary and still essential but these are no longer enough if we're really serious in creating a bunch of good and effective leaders. Developing right side of our kids brain will implant empathy and creativity essential for the leaders to appreciate the well being of their electorates.
If we really want to see leaders using the right side of their brain, then President Kagame of Rwanda is one of them. Recently he grounded fleet of luxurious cars belonging to Government executives and donor funded institutions. He is the kind of a leader with empathetic gesture questioning the rationale of excessive expense pertaining big men in his country at the expense of his electorates.
The sooner the better.
Julius Kambarage Nyerere was the first President of Independent Tanganyika. He had a Master Degree from Edinburgh, Scotland. That was a degree in History. 45 years later our leadership lineup is the congregation of certification to the extent of even accepting fake credentials in the form of PhD's ( if the current allegation are true).
Yet what we are missing is the bunch of leaders whose brain are engaged with the whole mind development. Scientists have ascertained that a human brain consists of two sides of the coin. Left brain dealing with the development of what we already know, mathematics, physics, biology, history, English, accounts etc, and right brain that deals with the creativity part of the circle. Unfortunately formal schooling mutes the development of our right brain and thus humans ( even our leaders) fails to be creative, innovative, playful, and above all empathetic.
Listen to the words of our honorable member of Parliament to appreciate how shallow minded our leaders are!! its a pity that a leader tells journalists that what he has is 'vijisenti' compared to other leaders. These are the words from a highly learned lawyer telling the forth organ of the nation, 'The Media'. Again its ironic when a Region Commissioner of Dar Es Salaam shamelessly says that he can not evict people residing at Msimbazi valley amid torrential rain simply because this is the election year.
A solution to the poor moral behaviors of our leaders lays to the way we raise our kids. Mathematics, history, English is necessary and still essential but these are no longer enough if we're really serious in creating a bunch of good and effective leaders. Developing right side of our kids brain will implant empathy and creativity essential for the leaders to appreciate the well being of their electorates.
If we really want to see leaders using the right side of their brain, then President Kagame of Rwanda is one of them. Recently he grounded fleet of luxurious cars belonging to Government executives and donor funded institutions. He is the kind of a leader with empathetic gesture questioning the rationale of excessive expense pertaining big men in his country at the expense of his electorates.
The sooner the better.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Why donors fear Kagame's war on graft
The Botswana Gazette
http://www.gazette.bw/tbg_buhead2.htm by Andrew M.
Last week I was in Kigali , this time at the heels of a cabinet decision to impound all luxurious four wheel drive vehicles bought at government expense and driven by ministers, security and military chiefs, foreign experts and their local handlers. In a morning crackdown, all the big men and women of this republic woke up to find that police constables along the main roads were stopping and taking away their vehicles and leaving them to walk to office.
The international donor community, known all over Africa for its corrupt
and profligate life styles which they indulge in the name of fighting
poverty, was this time caught with their pants down. They claim to fight
poverty while riding in luxurious four-wheel drive vehicles, sitting in
opulently furnished offices, earning obscene salaries and living in
executive mansions. In a bold act of defiance, Rwanda impounded even those
vehicles belonging to donor projects. After cleaning his own government of
corruption, he has now taken on the profligacy of the international aid
industry and its experts are now scared.
In a discussion with President Paul Kagame, he told me that he had looked
at some of the "poverty reduction" projects and they smelt bad. "There are
projects here worth only $5m and when I looked at their expenses, I found
that $1m was going into buying these cars, each one of them at $70,000.
Another $1m goes to buy office furniture, more $1m for meetings and
entertainment, and yet another $1m as salaries for technical experts,
leaving only $1m for the actual expenditure on a poverty reducing activity.
Is this the way to fight poverty?" he asked as I shifted with glee in my
Already, the government is auctioning these vehicles and so far has gotten
over $3m from the sales. Mr Kagame has now issued a new directive, saying
government should not purchase cars for its officials with more than 2,500
cc. But there is more: the government has placed a ceiling on mobile
telephone expenses for all its ministers, military and security chiefs to
50,000 Rwanda Francs (Shs150, 000), and also ordered MTN Rwanda to cut off
their international roaming access.
The directive also stops the holding of workshops, seminars and conferences
on poverty reduction in posh hotels like the Intercontinental, Mille
Collins etc, insisting they should be in government owned buildings at no
cost. The order also requires all government ministries; departments and
agencies to move from privately owned buildings where they pay high rents
to government owned buildings.
I told Kagame that whereas some of the most highly skilled Africans are
going to Europe and North America to clean streets and toilets, our
development partners send us Å’technical experts on these projects at
individual monthly salaries of between $10,000 and $20,000, a salary that
could pay 12 Africans of better training and experience and save this
continent from severe brain drain. In fact, most of these so-called experts
are a miserable, career-stranded lot in their own countries, but are dumped
in Africa and other poor countries through foreign aid protocols.
Donors never shy from lecturing our governments on fiscal frugality, yet
their aid driven projects are the most profligate. Of total project aid to
Uganda 's ministry of Health, 93 percent of it goes into technical
assistance (i.e. salaries and allowances for the experts) and overheads
(i.e. four wheel drive vehicles, opulent office furniture, computers,
stationary, tea and cakes).
Only a miserable 7 percent of this aid goes into purchase of drugs. Now you
understand why, in spite of a huge health budget, our people cannot find
drugs in hospitals. We in the media have been shouting ourselves hoarse
against government corruption. It is time to expose the worse forms of
profligacy, which forces our governments to pile up huge sums in debt.
In fact, of the total money from the Uganda government budget to the
ministry of Health, 98 percent reaches its intended beneficiaries, clearly
showing that in spite of its corrupt ways, the government of Uganda is a
better evil than donors. Of total project aid to Uganda , 68 percent goes
into overheads and technical assistance. Only 32 percent to its intended
A few weeks ago I presented the above facts to President Yoweri Museveni
and asked him to act. My heart bleeds to say he is so deeply discredited by
his inability to tackle corruption in his government, and his own
profligate public administration expenditure that he lacks moral authority
to take on donors.
The other reason is that his regime lives off this coalition of mutual
deceit with donors that both are fighting to eradicate poverty in Uganda .
Kagame, however, is able to act boldly because he occupies a moral high
ground in fighting corruption, has ensured fiscal frugality and also
because his government pursues strategies of survival - not necessarily
dependant on donor approval.
In Rwanda , ministers and other high ranking public officials resign and or
are fired by the week because of allegations of corruption. From the lowest
clerk in a government office to the most powerful minister or military or
security chief, no one is immune to jail when they steal; none close to the
president, none distant from him. You steal, you get jailed.
If there is some prima facie case that you stole, but there isn't not
enough evidence to convict you in a court of law, then you are asked to
resign or get fired. What a tough guy this Kagame man is!!
Love, Peace and Harmony!!!! "I want to believe that I am gold and diamond. In order to be refined I have to go through this period of fire. Tomorrow, I want to believe, Mzwakhe will become the source of inspiration to those who have despaired, those who were discouraged, those who are in extreme physical problems and pangs" - Mzwakhe Mbuli 'People's Poet', 2005
The Botswana Gazette
http://www.gazette.bw/tbg_buhead2.htm by Andrew M.
Last week I was in Kigali , this time at the heels of a cabinet decision to impound all luxurious four wheel drive vehicles bought at government expense and driven by ministers, security and military chiefs, foreign experts and their local handlers. In a morning crackdown, all the big men and women of this republic woke up to find that police constables along the main roads were stopping and taking away their vehicles and leaving them to walk to office.
The international donor community, known all over Africa for its corrupt
and profligate life styles which they indulge in the name of fighting
poverty, was this time caught with their pants down. They claim to fight
poverty while riding in luxurious four-wheel drive vehicles, sitting in
opulently furnished offices, earning obscene salaries and living in
executive mansions. In a bold act of defiance, Rwanda impounded even those
vehicles belonging to donor projects. After cleaning his own government of
corruption, he has now taken on the profligacy of the international aid
industry and its experts are now scared.
In a discussion with President Paul Kagame, he told me that he had looked
at some of the "poverty reduction" projects and they smelt bad. "There are
projects here worth only $5m and when I looked at their expenses, I found
that $1m was going into buying these cars, each one of them at $70,000.
Another $1m goes to buy office furniture, more $1m for meetings and
entertainment, and yet another $1m as salaries for technical experts,
leaving only $1m for the actual expenditure on a poverty reducing activity.
Is this the way to fight poverty?" he asked as I shifted with glee in my
Already, the government is auctioning these vehicles and so far has gotten
over $3m from the sales. Mr Kagame has now issued a new directive, saying
government should not purchase cars for its officials with more than 2,500
cc. But there is more: the government has placed a ceiling on mobile
telephone expenses for all its ministers, military and security chiefs to
50,000 Rwanda Francs (Shs150, 000), and also ordered MTN Rwanda to cut off
their international roaming access.
The directive also stops the holding of workshops, seminars and conferences
on poverty reduction in posh hotels like the Intercontinental, Mille
Collins etc, insisting they should be in government owned buildings at no
cost. The order also requires all government ministries; departments and
agencies to move from privately owned buildings where they pay high rents
to government owned buildings.
I told Kagame that whereas some of the most highly skilled Africans are
going to Europe and North America to clean streets and toilets, our
development partners send us Å’technical experts on these projects at
individual monthly salaries of between $10,000 and $20,000, a salary that
could pay 12 Africans of better training and experience and save this
continent from severe brain drain. In fact, most of these so-called experts
are a miserable, career-stranded lot in their own countries, but are dumped
in Africa and other poor countries through foreign aid protocols.
Donors never shy from lecturing our governments on fiscal frugality, yet
their aid driven projects are the most profligate. Of total project aid to
Uganda 's ministry of Health, 93 percent of it goes into technical
assistance (i.e. salaries and allowances for the experts) and overheads
(i.e. four wheel drive vehicles, opulent office furniture, computers,
stationary, tea and cakes).
Only a miserable 7 percent of this aid goes into purchase of drugs. Now you
understand why, in spite of a huge health budget, our people cannot find
drugs in hospitals. We in the media have been shouting ourselves hoarse
against government corruption. It is time to expose the worse forms of
profligacy, which forces our governments to pile up huge sums in debt.
In fact, of the total money from the Uganda government budget to the
ministry of Health, 98 percent reaches its intended beneficiaries, clearly
showing that in spite of its corrupt ways, the government of Uganda is a
better evil than donors. Of total project aid to Uganda , 68 percent goes
into overheads and technical assistance. Only 32 percent to its intended
A few weeks ago I presented the above facts to President Yoweri Museveni
and asked him to act. My heart bleeds to say he is so deeply discredited by
his inability to tackle corruption in his government, and his own
profligate public administration expenditure that he lacks moral authority
to take on donors.
The other reason is that his regime lives off this coalition of mutual
deceit with donors that both are fighting to eradicate poverty in Uganda .
Kagame, however, is able to act boldly because he occupies a moral high
ground in fighting corruption, has ensured fiscal frugality and also
because his government pursues strategies of survival - not necessarily
dependant on donor approval.
In Rwanda , ministers and other high ranking public officials resign and or
are fired by the week because of allegations of corruption. From the lowest
clerk in a government office to the most powerful minister or military or
security chief, no one is immune to jail when they steal; none close to the
president, none distant from him. You steal, you get jailed.
If there is some prima facie case that you stole, but there isn't not
enough evidence to convict you in a court of law, then you are asked to
resign or get fired. What a tough guy this Kagame man is!!
Love, Peace and Harmony!!!! "I want to believe that I am gold and diamond. In order to be refined I have to go through this period of fire. Tomorrow, I want to believe, Mzwakhe will become the source of inspiration to those who have despaired, those who were discouraged, those who are in extreme physical problems and pangs" - Mzwakhe Mbuli 'People's Poet', 2005
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Sneaking is dangerous
Please read this carefully,
Lesson to All Women/Men
A couple was invited to a masked costume Halloween party. The wife got a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone. He,being a devoted husband, protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed, and there was no need for his good time to be spoiled by not going. So he took his Batman costume (mask) and away he went.
The wife, after sleeping soundly for about an hour, awakened without pain, and, as it was still early, decided to go to the party. In as much as her husband did not know what her costume was, she thought she would have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not with him. She put on a Goldilocks costume (mask). So she joined the party and soon spotted her husband enjoying himself on the dance floor, dancing with every nice woman he cuddled and occasionally giving a little kiss here and there.
His wife went up to him and being a rather seductive woman herself, his husband left his new partner devoted his time to her. She let him go as far as he wished, naturally, since he was her husband. After some more drinking he finally whispered a little proposition in her ear and she agreed, so off they went to one of the cars and had quick sex in the back seat.
She slipped away before unmasking herself or her husband and went home and put her costume (mask) away and got into bed, wondering what kind of explanation he would make up for his outrageous behavior. She was sitting up reading when he came in, so she asked what kind of time he had.
"Oh, the same old thing. You know I never have a good time when you're not there."Then she asked, "Did you dance much?"
He replied, "I tell you, I never even danced one dance. When I got there, I met Pete, Bill Brown and some other guys, so we went into the spare room and played darts all evening."
"You must have looked really silly wearing that Batman costume playing darts all night!" She said with unashamed sarcasm.
To which the husband replied, "Actually, I gave my Batman costume to your Dad who seemed to have had a jolly good time on the dance floor. I am told that he was seen by Frank taking a prostitute in a Goldilocks outfit out for a few minutes. Don't ask me what they did; you know your dad still wants to behave like a kid."
Moral of the story: Don't try to sneak up on your husband/wife
take care n enjoy ur wk-en
Lesson to All Women/Men
A couple was invited to a masked costume Halloween party. The wife got a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone. He,being a devoted husband, protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed, and there was no need for his good time to be spoiled by not going. So he took his Batman costume (mask) and away he went.
The wife, after sleeping soundly for about an hour, awakened without pain, and, as it was still early, decided to go to the party. In as much as her husband did not know what her costume was, she thought she would have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not with him. She put on a Goldilocks costume (mask). So she joined the party and soon spotted her husband enjoying himself on the dance floor, dancing with every nice woman he cuddled and occasionally giving a little kiss here and there.
His wife went up to him and being a rather seductive woman herself, his husband left his new partner devoted his time to her. She let him go as far as he wished, naturally, since he was her husband. After some more drinking he finally whispered a little proposition in her ear and she agreed, so off they went to one of the cars and had quick sex in the back seat.
She slipped away before unmasking herself or her husband and went home and put her costume (mask) away and got into bed, wondering what kind of explanation he would make up for his outrageous behavior. She was sitting up reading when he came in, so she asked what kind of time he had.
"Oh, the same old thing. You know I never have a good time when you're not there."Then she asked, "Did you dance much?"
He replied, "I tell you, I never even danced one dance. When I got there, I met Pete, Bill Brown and some other guys, so we went into the spare room and played darts all evening."
"You must have looked really silly wearing that Batman costume playing darts all night!" She said with unashamed sarcasm.
To which the husband replied, "Actually, I gave my Batman costume to your Dad who seemed to have had a jolly good time on the dance floor. I am told that he was seen by Frank taking a prostitute in a Goldilocks outfit out for a few minutes. Don't ask me what they did; you know your dad still wants to behave like a kid."
Moral of the story: Don't try to sneak up on your husband/wife
take care n enjoy ur wk-en
Ailing Library: A source of human resource failure!
Library is the source of information: that one researcher/author transfers his/her knowledge to the community. Western world thrives on deliverance of knowledge from one person to the other.
A century ago, not a very long time, our natural way of transferring knowledge was totally disrupted by the coming of a white man.A craftsman would let a young man to learn his trade through apprenticeship and hence therefore the learner eventually by using the knowledge plus forces of environment could manage to sharpen the item into the next better level. To date though witch doctors are ubiquitous they do not have an official way of transferring their knowledge to the next generation. Contrary the western world spend enormous amount of capital on researches and development ( R& D) and thereafter results of their researches are published and displayed in libraries and universities. I may argue that the first world still transfers knowledge to the next generation while our way of knowledge is sadly muted.
Dar Es Salaam has one existing Library located at the Central Business District constructed several decades ago when the City had a population of less than 500,000 residents. Now with the population close to 5 million the ill-equipped library looks like a joke stalking old books. As residents move as far as 30km from CBD we expect library services to follow the ever moving population but this is not happening leaving only market force to demand consumption patterns of Dar Es Salaam dwellers. We are enclosed with noisy bars, convenient shops,hotels, restaurants etc that facilitate consumption of foreign stuff at the expense of our innovation and creativity.
Prof. Ali Mazrui once wrote that capitalism implanted into our being consumption culture but intentionally did not activate technological know how. We moved from communal way of life into capitalism embedded with modernity, excessive consumption of material goods without learning on how to manufacture them. Yet existence of libraries ensures that knowledge is shared among humanities not only of these generation but many many more from today. After all if Edison ignored to document his findings that led to the discovery of bulb we could not be enjoying electricity as we consume today. One discovery leads to another, and one way the next generation accrues the knowledge of the last scientist is by visiting local, national and university libraries; the idea we're desperately missing.
The reason why we fail to develop libraries is that our leaders' mindset is engraved in the idea that development will be determined by drilling natural resources to the exception of human resources. Now and then leaders trot around the world looking for investors to harness gold, uranium, oil, tanzanite, etc with no clue that the real development will be gained by developing human resources.Canada( a leading nation in mineral extraction) has a higher valued human resource compared to none in southern Africa that enabled her to exploit our fragile economies by extracting minerals massively.Take Switzerland as a case in point. The country is landlocked, with no natural resources but yet harnessing talents of her own men and women guarantees a place among to the club of the mighty.Switzerland is good in producing very tiny but highly valued items that needs greater input of human brain as compared to muscle power.
A century ago, not a very long time, our natural way of transferring knowledge was totally disrupted by the coming of a white man.A craftsman would let a young man to learn his trade through apprenticeship and hence therefore the learner eventually by using the knowledge plus forces of environment could manage to sharpen the item into the next better level. To date though witch doctors are ubiquitous they do not have an official way of transferring their knowledge to the next generation. Contrary the western world spend enormous amount of capital on researches and development ( R& D) and thereafter results of their researches are published and displayed in libraries and universities. I may argue that the first world still transfers knowledge to the next generation while our way of knowledge is sadly muted.
Dar Es Salaam has one existing Library located at the Central Business District constructed several decades ago when the City had a population of less than 500,000 residents. Now with the population close to 5 million the ill-equipped library looks like a joke stalking old books. As residents move as far as 30km from CBD we expect library services to follow the ever moving population but this is not happening leaving only market force to demand consumption patterns of Dar Es Salaam dwellers. We are enclosed with noisy bars, convenient shops,hotels, restaurants etc that facilitate consumption of foreign stuff at the expense of our innovation and creativity.
Prof. Ali Mazrui once wrote that capitalism implanted into our being consumption culture but intentionally did not activate technological know how. We moved from communal way of life into capitalism embedded with modernity, excessive consumption of material goods without learning on how to manufacture them. Yet existence of libraries ensures that knowledge is shared among humanities not only of these generation but many many more from today. After all if Edison ignored to document his findings that led to the discovery of bulb we could not be enjoying electricity as we consume today. One discovery leads to another, and one way the next generation accrues the knowledge of the last scientist is by visiting local, national and university libraries; the idea we're desperately missing.
The reason why we fail to develop libraries is that our leaders' mindset is engraved in the idea that development will be determined by drilling natural resources to the exception of human resources. Now and then leaders trot around the world looking for investors to harness gold, uranium, oil, tanzanite, etc with no clue that the real development will be gained by developing human resources.Canada( a leading nation in mineral extraction) has a higher valued human resource compared to none in southern Africa that enabled her to exploit our fragile economies by extracting minerals massively.Take Switzerland as a case in point. The country is landlocked, with no natural resources but yet harnessing talents of her own men and women guarantees a place among to the club of the mighty.Switzerland is good in producing very tiny but highly valued items that needs greater input of human brain as compared to muscle power.
Monday, March 29, 2010
AT 40, I am a very lucky African to be alive!!!
Today 29/march/2010, as I turn 40, count me as one of the luckiest africans to see the light of the day. Why? perhaps some would say i am exeggerating, or just a numb person, but looking at the figures and official statistics then you'll appreciate my line of argument.
Couple of years ago, my all time Tanzanian favourite columnist, the late Robert Rweyemamu once wrote on East African, "Why Birthdays are rare in Tanzania?" He was sharing a birthday sing along song with other Tanzanians as the Father of the Nation, The late Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere was turning 75. Rweyemamu highlighted a number of diseases inflicting and scaling down lives of Tanzanians including malaria, TB,cholera,and above all, AIDS.
As I celebrate 40th birthdays my mind turns to millions of babies whose lives are wasted on this minute across Africa due to poor maternial care, malaria,manutrition etc etc. In Tanzania by 2007 child mortality rate stood by 116 death per 1000 children under age of five.
One of the basic pre-requisite for development but greatly ignored by african states is the access to clean and reliable water for human consumption. After all 75% of our being is comprised of water. By far this means purifying, reserving sources of water and providing this important resource to all especially the most vulnerable, women and children should be a top priority for any sensible goverment.Animals and plants shares this sacrosanct resource that if one is deprived ecosystem is not balanced.
In african villages women and children spend a big portion of a day searching for water though they are not sure on the safety of the same.As a result looking for water is part of economic undertakings ignoring other important activities with a far liberating results such as education. An african child born in the village is an economic asset for the family and one of the activity is looking for water.This turns out to be a vicious cyle of poverty. A child ( preferaby a girl) mothered by a poor mum does not go to school and ends up doing family undertaking including searching for water. She grows to be a mother material with no education and hence no knowledge of controlling her environment. She gives birth to a child who ends up dying at a tender age simply because her mother do not have enough resources to care for her.
In the year 2000, World nations agreed on Millenium Development Goals ( MDG)and one of the goals was to reduce a number of african people without access to basic sanitation and hygiene by half come to the year 2015.To date no country in Eastern and Southern Africa is on track to meet MDG target on sanitation. In some parts of Dar Es Salaam such as Ukonga suburb pit latrines are dug closer to shallow wells resulting into water contamination.As a result currently one in eight East & Southern african child dies before fifth birthday due to diseases related to poor sanitation and lack of access to safe drinking water. According to The Guardian, ( A Tanzanian daily)Dar Es Salaam has 300 unsafe wells causing an increasing incidences of water borne diseases.
Malaria is the other killer disease claiming lives of africans in magnitude. Malaria is a fatal protozoan disease transmitted by a specific kind of mosquito, the genus anopheles. Malaria is utterly treatable, yet, incredibly claims up to three million lives per year, mostly young children, about 90 percent of whom live in Africa.The fact that virtually everybody in tropical africa contracts malaria at least once a year makes me delighted to see this 40th birthdays. The fate of our children born on this minute as I celebrate across Africa is literally unknown.
Yes children are dying in sheer massive number not seeing their 5th birthday.But another calamity is rampant across Sub-Sahara Africa this time around living behind fortunate survived kids as orphans. This is AIDS, ( Acquired Immune Defficiency Syndrome)
In most African countries, by contrast, only tycoons and cabinet ministers can afford AIDS drugs. By 2002,about 17 million africans had died of AIDS, and 29 millions were HIV positive. Pause for a moment to ponder it: 46 million africans either dead or doomed. Its more than seven times the number of jews, Gypsies and homesexuals murdered by Hitler. Its one and half times the 30 million chinese who died of starvation under Mao Zedong. It is three quarters of the death toll during the whole of the second World War, and by the time AIDS has claimed its last African victim, it may outnumber even that.
At the End of Day. Happy birthday to me!!! & happy birthday to all africans who have seen this day against all odds.
Monday, March 22, 2010
wiki ya maji
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Pat I support fully heartedly the evolutionary argument presented by Dr Satoshi Kanazawa that men who cheat have lower IQ.
I define IQ, as the ability to control ones enviroment. As indicated earlier it doesnt ring into my mind that at all times Phd holders can control his enviroment well than the rest of us. I tell you solemnly,due to the fact that this Professor can not enjoy special intimacy with his wife, his intelligence level is lower than ,( excuse my language)an average man who enjoys full time and fulfilling relationship with his other half.
You have pinpointed some universal reasons as to why men cheat, such as women not being good in bed. May I add some other unwise reasons though some are too african. .African Men may say, oh when I married this woman she was spottlessly clean, or other would say now your belly is too big that you're no longer sexy. Yet others will not stand 'mtindi'( you know what I mean). Some men will say this woman nags.
Let me paraphrase all of the above as push factors. As we ( men) move outside our houses( boma) we are confronted by pull factors. These chicks know how to pull our legs. Twentysomething ladies will put on tight jeans, they will avoid fatty foods to lower bellies, and mind you some of them ( hawanyonyeshi) that makes their tits to look like, oh My God!!!, whoops.
Now back to our argument, how man resist these push & pull factors will determine his level of intelligence. If the lady is not good in bed, then it is the responsibility of our intelligence( men) to arouse her sexual intellingensia, after all we're the first to be created by God.It is our duty to demostrate sexual techniques. If she is dirty, then its a man to bear the blame, we dont use our spare time to take care of the kids that a woman spends most of her time raising kids and she's burned out. Man with highest level of IQ will drive/board a daladala straight from work. But because we are less smart most of us succumb to traditional utopian, ( amewekewa limbwata huyo). A family that stay to together, live together. It is precisely this smartness of a man staying home that creates healthy homestead.
Now to the pull factors. Most men are pulled by mistresses after being stressed up by the modern life. Say one is really pressed up by work, or studies that on the way home he's accidentally confronted by a beautiful chic. This lousy man is helpless, it is that stress that pushes him into the impossible angle not a girl. Or some men get attracted to women after being drunk. Let me say only less clever men drink irresponsibly before getting to their families.
Am I harsh!!!! SORRY GUYS.
I define IQ, as the ability to control ones enviroment. As indicated earlier it doesnt ring into my mind that at all times Phd holders can control his enviroment well than the rest of us. I tell you solemnly,due to the fact that this Professor can not enjoy special intimacy with his wife, his intelligence level is lower than ,( excuse my language)an average man who enjoys full time and fulfilling relationship with his other half.
You have pinpointed some universal reasons as to why men cheat, such as women not being good in bed. May I add some other unwise reasons though some are too african. .African Men may say, oh when I married this woman she was spottlessly clean, or other would say now your belly is too big that you're no longer sexy. Yet others will not stand 'mtindi'( you know what I mean). Some men will say this woman nags.
Let me paraphrase all of the above as push factors. As we ( men) move outside our houses( boma) we are confronted by pull factors. These chicks know how to pull our legs. Twentysomething ladies will put on tight jeans, they will avoid fatty foods to lower bellies, and mind you some of them ( hawanyonyeshi) that makes their tits to look like, oh My God!!!, whoops.
Now back to our argument, how man resist these push & pull factors will determine his level of intelligence. If the lady is not good in bed, then it is the responsibility of our intelligence( men) to arouse her sexual intellingensia, after all we're the first to be created by God.It is our duty to demostrate sexual techniques. If she is dirty, then its a man to bear the blame, we dont use our spare time to take care of the kids that a woman spends most of her time raising kids and she's burned out. Man with highest level of IQ will drive/board a daladala straight from work. But because we are less smart most of us succumb to traditional utopian, ( amewekewa limbwata huyo). A family that stay to together, live together. It is precisely this smartness of a man staying home that creates healthy homestead.
Now to the pull factors. Most men are pulled by mistresses after being stressed up by the modern life. Say one is really pressed up by work, or studies that on the way home he's accidentally confronted by a beautiful chic. This lousy man is helpless, it is that stress that pushes him into the impossible angle not a girl. Or some men get attracted to women after being drunk. Let me say only less clever men drink irresponsibly before getting to their families.
Am I harsh!!!! SORRY GUYS.
Pat, thanks for mindblowing ideas and they enrich my brain greatly.
African culture stereotype a woman at a larger extent compared to western world.This is our culture. When two men greet each other one would say, 'watoto hawajambo'? meaning including a wife.In Europe & America a man would inquire, how is your other half? this is a big damned different.
In Africa handful women see the limelight of higher education compared to men .
What an african woman seek as she climbs education ladder is to step in the world controlled by men. Men controls the universe. According to latest Forbes magazine, out of 1011 global billionares, only 89 are women and among those 89 only 14 obtained wealth out of their own, while the rest inherited.
Women that ascend to elite class are transformed into a world controlled by men, and in fact they become men minus biological nature. These tiny number drive big and fancy cars,build gated mansions,designate their offices in high street, shoulder to shoulder with biological men seat in the executive boardrooms, and sleep in five star hotels. Yet as you indicated their problem differs extensively with their mates in Kashozi, Kishimundu or Tandahimba. Do they walk miles to fetch water? No, Do they struggle to send their kids to school? No, Are they beaten by men, categorically Nope. In fact we call these women sugar mammies, we live with them and they offer us 'heineken' in exchange for romance.
Then what follows is that a struggle for women self-empowerment becomes top-to-down exercise. Women belonging to elite group such as Mama Salma Kikwete, Mama Ananilea Nkya and Mama Anna Mkapa simply starts petty pressure groups ( NGOs) cosmettically suggesting to create 'fursa sawa kwa wote'.As described by Issa Shivji in his fine book, Silences in NGO discourse, The role and future of NGOs in Africa; you can not fight injustices and inequality by becoming a stakeholder.Powerful women sit down with the devil and discuss the pright of vulnerable folks in the village, this is unrealistic and demeaning.
Shivji argues that these elite group should be a watchdog and not part of the hegemony. Their cause( shuga mammies) should be that of pressure groups not mates in coktail parties at Movenpick. They should not be part of policymakers but criticizers, radicals. We ( wanaharakati) are expecting these tiny number of powerful women to go to the length of walking naked in protest of the injustices and inequality issues such as right to education, right to maternial health, killing of albino etc etc.These women occupying mostly special seat( God knows how they got those seats in the first place, perhaps after being mistress) in our parliament should stand up and say NO to big rise of their salaries and instead fight for the good pay of teachers.
One example to illustrate numbness and laziness of these elite group. I was expecting the likes of Mama Mkapa, Getrude Mongela, or Ananilea Nkya to protest outside American Embassy when Washington performed airstrikes to Baghdad. Does this mean they believed deep in their heart that America was right? What about the fate of the poor kids and mothers in Iraq? We know that these women oppose unjust war. Why SILENCE? This is simply because most of these women NGO's are funded by international organisations such as USAID, ( the very American dog).
Frantz Fanon in The Wretched of The Earth strongly and categorically throws punches to the elite class writing that this group is unprepared,lacks practical link between them and mass of the people, they are lazy and cowardice at the decisive moment of the struggle. Few years as America was clearing a mess created by a war in Iraq , elite women were rejoicing as Mr Bush was giving some 'makombo' ($750m) to fight malaria in Tanzania. Prof. Mwesiga Balegu, A university don from University of Dar Es Salaam while interviwed by BBC said that this amount is only a drop in the sea as compared to the cost of maintaining war in Iraq.
Once officiating the World' Women day in Tabora last week, President of Tanzania Jakaya Kikwete urged women to seek higher political posts saying 'wanaweza kuwa viongozi wa juu wakitaka'. He went on to say that very soon he will increase a number of women in high court department. As indicated earlier on, these fewer women are awaiting to turn into a world controlled by men and sustain the status quo.
Until the struggle ascends from the bottom; everthing will turn into tragic mishap.
I am out.(florian)
African culture stereotype a woman at a larger extent compared to western world.This is our culture. When two men greet each other one would say, 'watoto hawajambo'? meaning including a wife.In Europe & America a man would inquire, how is your other half? this is a big damned different.
In Africa handful women see the limelight of higher education compared to men .
What an african woman seek as she climbs education ladder is to step in the world controlled by men. Men controls the universe. According to latest Forbes magazine, out of 1011 global billionares, only 89 are women and among those 89 only 14 obtained wealth out of their own, while the rest inherited.
Women that ascend to elite class are transformed into a world controlled by men, and in fact they become men minus biological nature. These tiny number drive big and fancy cars,build gated mansions,designate their offices in high street, shoulder to shoulder with biological men seat in the executive boardrooms, and sleep in five star hotels. Yet as you indicated their problem differs extensively with their mates in Kashozi, Kishimundu or Tandahimba. Do they walk miles to fetch water? No, Do they struggle to send their kids to school? No, Are they beaten by men, categorically Nope. In fact we call these women sugar mammies, we live with them and they offer us 'heineken' in exchange for romance.
Then what follows is that a struggle for women self-empowerment becomes top-to-down exercise. Women belonging to elite group such as Mama Salma Kikwete, Mama Ananilea Nkya and Mama Anna Mkapa simply starts petty pressure groups ( NGOs) cosmettically suggesting to create 'fursa sawa kwa wote'.As described by Issa Shivji in his fine book, Silences in NGO discourse, The role and future of NGOs in Africa; you can not fight injustices and inequality by becoming a stakeholder.Powerful women sit down with the devil and discuss the pright of vulnerable folks in the village, this is unrealistic and demeaning.
Shivji argues that these elite group should be a watchdog and not part of the hegemony. Their cause( shuga mammies) should be that of pressure groups not mates in coktail parties at Movenpick. They should not be part of policymakers but criticizers, radicals. We ( wanaharakati) are expecting these tiny number of powerful women to go to the length of walking naked in protest of the injustices and inequality issues such as right to education, right to maternial health, killing of albino etc etc.These women occupying mostly special seat( God knows how they got those seats in the first place, perhaps after being mistress) in our parliament should stand up and say NO to big rise of their salaries and instead fight for the good pay of teachers.
One example to illustrate numbness and laziness of these elite group. I was expecting the likes of Mama Mkapa, Getrude Mongela, or Ananilea Nkya to protest outside American Embassy when Washington performed airstrikes to Baghdad. Does this mean they believed deep in their heart that America was right? What about the fate of the poor kids and mothers in Iraq? We know that these women oppose unjust war. Why SILENCE? This is simply because most of these women NGO's are funded by international organisations such as USAID, ( the very American dog).
Frantz Fanon in The Wretched of The Earth strongly and categorically throws punches to the elite class writing that this group is unprepared,lacks practical link between them and mass of the people, they are lazy and cowardice at the decisive moment of the struggle. Few years as America was clearing a mess created by a war in Iraq , elite women were rejoicing as Mr Bush was giving some 'makombo' ($750m) to fight malaria in Tanzania. Prof. Mwesiga Balegu, A university don from University of Dar Es Salaam while interviwed by BBC said that this amount is only a drop in the sea as compared to the cost of maintaining war in Iraq.
Once officiating the World' Women day in Tabora last week, President of Tanzania Jakaya Kikwete urged women to seek higher political posts saying 'wanaweza kuwa viongozi wa juu wakitaka'. He went on to say that very soon he will increase a number of women in high court department. As indicated earlier on, these fewer women are awaiting to turn into a world controlled by men and sustain the status quo.
Until the struggle ascends from the bottom; everthing will turn into tragic mishap.
I am out.(florian)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Bullet Proof Leaders aren't afraid to delegate
By Julius Bosire
Many companies are training their employees to become bullet proof managers.
The training is designed to enhance the management and leadership skills of executives, managers and supervisors.
One of the strong points of bullet proof manager is effective delegation of duties. This involves a manager entrusting responsibility, authority, and accountability to her juniors and remaining optimistic that the task will be performed well.
Delegating duties often creates an enviroment for accountability among junior and senior employees. The result attained are jointly owned by those whose responsibility it was to pursue the company's goals.
There are various issues that may inhibit successful delagation of duties. The three main factors are the manager herself, her subordinates, and the environment or organisational structure. Some managers would rather hold on to all assignments as they fear losing authority. Such managers want to be recognised as the source of wisdom in the running of the organisations. They do not mentor their juniors. Yet other managers do not delegate duties because of fear that their subordinates will not do the job well.
Other think that by delegating authority, they may be perceived as weak.
Managers who are insecure in their jobs or believe that certain activities are important to their personal success, are unlikely to delegate. In some cases, subordinates decline to take extra responsibility for fear of failure. Some decline to to take up new responsibilities due to to lack of self-confidence, or a feeling that their managers have no confidence in them.
When this happens, and they are forced to take up the assignments, they become resentful, hence producing poor results.
Some employees are not willing to take up new assignments because their managers do not give them the required power and authority. They feel that their managers want to make them fail.
Managers who do not delegate duties are likely to burn out, leading to lack of creativity, and innovation. Also, they lack groomed successors when they eventually leave office. It is such organisations that ''poach'' managers from other companies.
On the other hand, staff who fear failure usually remain in the same position for long periods, grumbling that the company does not promote its own.
An organisation with a condensed structure, with few jobs and little authority delegated, may end up frustrating ambitious employees. However, employees are initially reluctant to take up delegated roles.
Proper delegation involves assigning specific duties to people and clearly explaining to them what is required. A manager must then relinguish some authority to the selected person.
Some managers understand very well that certain duties cannot be performed without authority but go ahead to merely delegate. This is wrong.
Kenya Wildlife Service director Julius Kipng'etich says the manager concerned should give the employee certain power to deliver results. "The manager should give a very strong strategy and environment,'' Mr Kipng'etich says.
He should explain the organisation's goal, empower his subordinates and make them understand that they will be held responsible individually for their performance. The overall responsibility, however, lies with the manager.
Mr Kipng'etich adds that a manager should build an enviroment conducive to performance of new tasks,since learning is a process. He discounts fears felt by some managers that some subordinates cannot perform certain tasks.
Managers need to cultivate a culture of trust, They should empower their employees and let them learn new tasks on the job. Subordinates, on the other hand, should accomplish the assignments delegated to them.
Patricia King'ori, the general manager of Global System for Mobile Communications, East and Central Africa division, says a manager should think strategically and have the global picture of the business in mind.
Getting involved in small jobs will deprive the manager of the time and space to guide his or her team.
''One is likely to overwhelm herself or himself and develop medical complications if one doesn't delegate some roles.
"As long as a manager is able to guide others and monitor the progress, she or he should succeed in achieving the desired results,'' she says.
Mr Kipng'etich and Ms King'ori agree that fear of being outshone by juniors is the main reason some managers fail to delegate duties.
Both say that delegation without supervision likely to yield low returins. Bullet proof management emphasises involvement, participation and team work.
With these, managers should be able to insulate themselves from potential bullets at the workplace.
Source: The EastAfrican
Many companies are training their employees to become bullet proof managers.
The training is designed to enhance the management and leadership skills of executives, managers and supervisors.
One of the strong points of bullet proof manager is effective delegation of duties. This involves a manager entrusting responsibility, authority, and accountability to her juniors and remaining optimistic that the task will be performed well.
Delegating duties often creates an enviroment for accountability among junior and senior employees. The result attained are jointly owned by those whose responsibility it was to pursue the company's goals.
There are various issues that may inhibit successful delagation of duties. The three main factors are the manager herself, her subordinates, and the environment or organisational structure. Some managers would rather hold on to all assignments as they fear losing authority. Such managers want to be recognised as the source of wisdom in the running of the organisations. They do not mentor their juniors. Yet other managers do not delegate duties because of fear that their subordinates will not do the job well.
Other think that by delegating authority, they may be perceived as weak.
Managers who are insecure in their jobs or believe that certain activities are important to their personal success, are unlikely to delegate. In some cases, subordinates decline to take extra responsibility for fear of failure. Some decline to to take up new responsibilities due to to lack of self-confidence, or a feeling that their managers have no confidence in them.
When this happens, and they are forced to take up the assignments, they become resentful, hence producing poor results.
Some employees are not willing to take up new assignments because their managers do not give them the required power and authority. They feel that their managers want to make them fail.
Managers who do not delegate duties are likely to burn out, leading to lack of creativity, and innovation. Also, they lack groomed successors when they eventually leave office. It is such organisations that ''poach'' managers from other companies.
On the other hand, staff who fear failure usually remain in the same position for long periods, grumbling that the company does not promote its own.
An organisation with a condensed structure, with few jobs and little authority delegated, may end up frustrating ambitious employees. However, employees are initially reluctant to take up delegated roles.
Proper delegation involves assigning specific duties to people and clearly explaining to them what is required. A manager must then relinguish some authority to the selected person.
Some managers understand very well that certain duties cannot be performed without authority but go ahead to merely delegate. This is wrong.
Kenya Wildlife Service director Julius Kipng'etich says the manager concerned should give the employee certain power to deliver results. "The manager should give a very strong strategy and environment,'' Mr Kipng'etich says.
He should explain the organisation's goal, empower his subordinates and make them understand that they will be held responsible individually for their performance. The overall responsibility, however, lies with the manager.
Mr Kipng'etich adds that a manager should build an enviroment conducive to performance of new tasks,since learning is a process. He discounts fears felt by some managers that some subordinates cannot perform certain tasks.
Managers need to cultivate a culture of trust, They should empower their employees and let them learn new tasks on the job. Subordinates, on the other hand, should accomplish the assignments delegated to them.
Patricia King'ori, the general manager of Global System for Mobile Communications, East and Central Africa division, says a manager should think strategically and have the global picture of the business in mind.
Getting involved in small jobs will deprive the manager of the time and space to guide his or her team.
''One is likely to overwhelm herself or himself and develop medical complications if one doesn't delegate some roles.
"As long as a manager is able to guide others and monitor the progress, she or he should succeed in achieving the desired results,'' she says.
Mr Kipng'etich and Ms King'ori agree that fear of being outshone by juniors is the main reason some managers fail to delegate duties.
Both say that delegation without supervision likely to yield low returins. Bullet proof management emphasises involvement, participation and team work.
With these, managers should be able to insulate themselves from potential bullets at the workplace.
Source: The EastAfrican
You wanna play in South Africa?? Play Safely; Condoms to save fans from AIDS
Britain, a football fanatic nation will 'donate' to South Africa 42 million condoms as fans are getting prepared to descend to the country ready for World Cup.
Meanwhile, the Britain Department for International Development is set to announce 1 million pound funding at an emergency funding summit in London on HIV prevention and treatment to be held soon. Earlier on while on official visit to Buckingham Palace, Mr Jacob Zuma a President of South had requested the Queen for the extra 1 billion condom to cater for the expected thousand of tourists who are going to watch world cup on june this year.
South Africa, has 5 million people with HIV infection, the highest number in the whole continent, and the goverment has warned that 40,000 prostitutes might enter the country to watch the world cup, hence PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.
Logically this is not a donation but a necessity especially coming from ever cautious nation like Britain. Brits wear crash helmets when they cycle, they expect their goverment to ensure that every last molecule of any chemical that even sounds scary is removed from tap water, and they buy bags of nuts with the words 'warning: contain nuts' on the packet.
Consider this, In South Africa one in every five adults live with HIV and a nation has an estimate of 5.7 million victims, the highest rate in Africa. This is the country that even her own President admitted of taking shower after sex to lower the risk of infection. Earlier this year President Zuma did not use a condom when having sex with a daughter of a family friend who subsequently gave birth to his 20th child.
On the whole Africa state of disease is worrying to say the least, by 2002, about 17 million africans had died of AIDS, and 29 million were HIV positive. Pause for a moment to ponder it: 46 million africans either dead or doomed. Its more than seven times the number of jews, Gypsies and homesexuals murdered by Hitler. It's one and a half times the 30 million chinese who died of starvation under Mao Zedong. Its three quarters of the death toll during the whole of the Second World War, and by the time AIDS has claimed its last African victim, it may outnumber even that. ( extracted from The Shackled Continent, by Robert Guest).
Obviously in Britain Aids is no longer a death sentence. Costly drug cocktails can keep HIV-positive patients alive and healthy for a long time. But still a prudent and cautious goverment would rather spend now and prevent huge bills in future.
Of late FIFA ( The World football governing body) has already sold 630,021 ticket to 188 countries ready to enjoy the world's most glamouring event taking place from june 9th, 2010.
Meanwhile, the Britain Department for International Development is set to announce 1 million pound funding at an emergency funding summit in London on HIV prevention and treatment to be held soon. Earlier on while on official visit to Buckingham Palace, Mr Jacob Zuma a President of South had requested the Queen for the extra 1 billion condom to cater for the expected thousand of tourists who are going to watch world cup on june this year.
South Africa, has 5 million people with HIV infection, the highest number in the whole continent, and the goverment has warned that 40,000 prostitutes might enter the country to watch the world cup, hence PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.
Logically this is not a donation but a necessity especially coming from ever cautious nation like Britain. Brits wear crash helmets when they cycle, they expect their goverment to ensure that every last molecule of any chemical that even sounds scary is removed from tap water, and they buy bags of nuts with the words 'warning: contain nuts' on the packet.
Consider this, In South Africa one in every five adults live with HIV and a nation has an estimate of 5.7 million victims, the highest rate in Africa. This is the country that even her own President admitted of taking shower after sex to lower the risk of infection. Earlier this year President Zuma did not use a condom when having sex with a daughter of a family friend who subsequently gave birth to his 20th child.
On the whole Africa state of disease is worrying to say the least, by 2002, about 17 million africans had died of AIDS, and 29 million were HIV positive. Pause for a moment to ponder it: 46 million africans either dead or doomed. Its more than seven times the number of jews, Gypsies and homesexuals murdered by Hitler. It's one and a half times the 30 million chinese who died of starvation under Mao Zedong. Its three quarters of the death toll during the whole of the Second World War, and by the time AIDS has claimed its last African victim, it may outnumber even that. ( extracted from The Shackled Continent, by Robert Guest).
Obviously in Britain Aids is no longer a death sentence. Costly drug cocktails can keep HIV-positive patients alive and healthy for a long time. But still a prudent and cautious goverment would rather spend now and prevent huge bills in future.
Of late FIFA ( The World football governing body) has already sold 630,021 ticket to 188 countries ready to enjoy the world's most glamouring event taking place from june 9th, 2010.
Monday, March 8, 2010
The struggle for gender equality still lingers on, though I am pessimistic of the progress!!!
Here are my worries:
Here are my worries:
- In Tanzania,for every 4 among children below the age of 18, one is having a baby.
- In urban families especially Dar Es Salaam, girls constitutes the majority number of housemaids most of them imported from the rural areas. There wages is disgrace, averaging 30,000/= ( $25 a month). Of late, the goverment has failed to enforce her own approved minimum wages for housemaids, i.e 85,000/= a month, ( $70)
- 75% of women resides in rural areas where electricity supply is negligible. By average, only 11% of Tanzanian households enjoy this vital utility. This means a good number of these women including girls spend many hours fetching firewoods instead of studying.
- Most of the enlightened section of women resides in urban settings, though they're busy running NGO's advocating gender equality, they fail to cover rural areas where majority of the vulnerable section of the population ( women) resides.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Cheating only brings pain.There is no happiness in cheating, Looking at the kind of style that many young and old people live 2day. People have ignored the value of truth fullness and openness in a relationship.Cheating brings nothing other than pain and suffering in the long run.There is nothing that makes man/a woman happier than the fact of knowing that they are not being cheated on, It promotes a sense of confidence between a man & a woman. Its really bad to find out that the person you love is the very person who is cheating on you.People should open their eyes wide and realize that cheating brings pain nothing other than suffering, destruction and pain to the concerned individuals and the families with increase in AIDS cases. I think people should stop dreaming and start living . Anyone who cheats should know that they only have one life to live and once you mess it up, its gone for good. One will be Kissing his/her future goodbye because there is nothing as horrible, as one dying of AIDS at a very tender age.To those who are being true to their partners, keep it up because there is reward for you at end.
Says Grace
Says Grace
Friday, March 5, 2010
Are atheists and liberals smarter?
4. March 2010 by Leanne Larmondin, Religion News Service
Are people with high IQs more likely to be liberal, atheist and monogamous? They are, according to a recently published paper by Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
In a controversial article in the March issue of the journal Social Psychology Quarterly, Kanazawa suggested that young adults with higher intelligence scores are more likely to say they do not attend religious services; they also identify themselves as liberal. His research is based on U.S. data that showed young adults who self-identify as “not at all religious” had an average IQ of 103, while those with an average IQ of 97 identified as “very religious.” Kanazawa, who called himself a libertarian and atheist, said there are evolutionary reasons for his findings. Smarter people, he argued, are more willing to adopt “evolutionarily novel” thinking and values.
Humans, he said, are naturally designed to be conservative and put a high value on family and friends. So, Kanazawa wrote, “What is conservative in the U.S. — caring about your family and your friends and your kin — is sort of evolutionarily familiar.”
By contrast, caring about unrelated strangers (what Kanazawa calls liberalism) is “evolutionarily novel,” as is thinking rationally about natural phenomena, like drought and pestilence, rather than seeking supernatural intentions behind such disasters. Belief in God comes out of paranoia, he said. Hunter/gatherers needed a supernatural explanation for natural phenomena, like lightning, drought and pestilence. “Humans are evolutionarily designed to be paranoid, and they believe in God because they are paranoid,” said Kanazawa. “So, more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to go against their natural evolutionary tendency to believe in God, and they become atheists.” The study also found that men with higher IQs tended to be monogamous. Since it was released, Kanazawa’s research has been criticized for his use of IQ scores as a measure of intellect and for his limited sample of American young adults who self identified as liberal or conservative and “very religious” or “not at all religious.”
4. March 2010 by Leanne Larmondin, Religion News Service
Are people with high IQs more likely to be liberal, atheist and monogamous? They are, according to a recently published paper by Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
In a controversial article in the March issue of the journal Social Psychology Quarterly, Kanazawa suggested that young adults with higher intelligence scores are more likely to say they do not attend religious services; they also identify themselves as liberal. His research is based on U.S. data that showed young adults who self-identify as “not at all religious” had an average IQ of 103, while those with an average IQ of 97 identified as “very religious.” Kanazawa, who called himself a libertarian and atheist, said there are evolutionary reasons for his findings. Smarter people, he argued, are more willing to adopt “evolutionarily novel” thinking and values.
Humans, he said, are naturally designed to be conservative and put a high value on family and friends. So, Kanazawa wrote, “What is conservative in the U.S. — caring about your family and your friends and your kin — is sort of evolutionarily familiar.”
By contrast, caring about unrelated strangers (what Kanazawa calls liberalism) is “evolutionarily novel,” as is thinking rationally about natural phenomena, like drought and pestilence, rather than seeking supernatural intentions behind such disasters. Belief in God comes out of paranoia, he said. Hunter/gatherers needed a supernatural explanation for natural phenomena, like lightning, drought and pestilence. “Humans are evolutionarily designed to be paranoid, and they believe in God because they are paranoid,” said Kanazawa. “So, more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to go against their natural evolutionary tendency to believe in God, and they become atheists.” The study also found that men with higher IQs tended to be monogamous. Since it was released, Kanazawa’s research has been criticized for his use of IQ scores as a measure of intellect and for his limited sample of American young adults who self identified as liberal or conservative and “very religious” or “not at all religious.”
Pengo kati ya walionacho na wasionacho ukizidi ni kama vile petroli kumwagia ndani ya nyumba,mlipuko ni lazima, ( julius Nyerere)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Deceitful and despicable is one description that wronged wives could apply to their cheating husbands. Plain stupid is another. For scientists have concluded that men who sleep around are likely to have lower IQs. It is a finding likely to prove of interest to Cheryl Cole as she contemplates her errant partner Ashley's unfaithful ways.
Dr Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist from the London School of Economics and Political Science, said the smarter a man is, the less likely he is to cheat on his partner. His theory is based on the assertion that through evolutionary history, men have always been 'mildly polygamous'. That has changed today, however, and Dr Kanazawa explained that entering a sexually exclusive relationship is an 'evolutionarily novel' development for them.
According to his theory, intelligent people are more likely to adopt what in evolutionary terms are new practices - to become 'more evolved'. Therefore, in the case of fidelity, men who cannot adapt and end up succumbing to temptation and cheating are likely to be more stupid. 'The theory predicts that more intelligent men are more likely to value sexual exclusivity than less intelligent men,' he explained.
According to his theory, the link between fidelity and intelligence does not apply to women because they have always been expected to be faithful to one mate - even in polygamous societies.
Dr Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist from the London School of Economics and Political Science, said the smarter a man is, the less likely he is to cheat on his partner. His theory is based on the assertion that through evolutionary history, men have always been 'mildly polygamous'. That has changed today, however, and Dr Kanazawa explained that entering a sexually exclusive relationship is an 'evolutionarily novel' development for them.
According to his theory, intelligent people are more likely to adopt what in evolutionary terms are new practices - to become 'more evolved'. Therefore, in the case of fidelity, men who cannot adapt and end up succumbing to temptation and cheating are likely to be more stupid. 'The theory predicts that more intelligent men are more likely to value sexual exclusivity than less intelligent men,' he explained.
According to his theory, the link between fidelity and intelligence does not apply to women because they have always been expected to be faithful to one mate - even in polygamous societies.
8.4 Million Tanzanians Skip Meals daily
The social, political and Economic Barometer ( SPEC) indicates that 17.2 million people have also drastically reduced expenditure on essential
households items in response to spiralling prices of basic commodities.
The findings were released yesterday at news conference in Dar Es Salaam by media group named Synovate Tanzania ( formerly Steadman Group) to determine the levels and standards of living among Tanzanians.
As 'elite' comes up with this alarming statistics, the reality reveals a different picture and only if our world could be a little bit flatter the situation could be colorful. The recent reports show that at Rukwa region peasants are desperate seeking a permission from the goverment to be allowed to offload extra tons of maize produce to neighbouring Zambia. Apparantely, folks at Musoma district survives on bushy mangoes.
The findings were released yesterday at news conference in Dar Es Salaam by media group named Synovate Tanzania ( formerly Steadman Group) to determine the levels and standards of living among Tanzanians.
As 'elite' comes up with this alarming statistics, the reality reveals a different picture and only if our world could be a little bit flatter the situation could be colorful. The recent reports show that at Rukwa region peasants are desperate seeking a permission from the goverment to be allowed to offload extra tons of maize produce to neighbouring Zambia. Apparantely, folks at Musoma district survives on bushy mangoes.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
leo nilikuwa natengeneza mkanda wa saa pale mtaa wa Maktaba ( kati kati ya jiji la Dar Es Salaam), baada ya matengenezo nikadaiwa 'Buku Jelo'
Nikatoa macho na kushangaa, wadau nilikuwa nadaiwa bei gani?
Nikatoa macho na kushangaa, wadau nilikuwa nadaiwa bei gani?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Dola nyingi za kiafrika zinawaangalia wapiga kura wake kwa jicho la dharau, kutowajali na kufanya kazi kwa mazoea bila kujua kuwa wao ndiyo 'engine' ya maendeleo. Matokeo yake dola hizi zinashawishika mara kwa mara kukimbilia nchi za nje kuomba misaada.
Siye wananchi kwa makundi yetu twaweza, wala hatuhitaji $$$ kuendesha maisha yetu.Tunapozongwa na matatizo mengi twatafuta njia mbadala ya kutatua matatizo yetu na twaiweka kando serikali kuu, twazipiga kisogo serikali za mitaa, na kujihimu wenyewe.
Sasa hii ina maana gani? wakati dola inapokosa kuwajibika kwa wapiga kura wake, kinachotokea ni kwamba wapiga kura nao hawaoni umuhimu wa kuwajibika kwa dola. Wengi hatulipi kodi, na wala hatuoni umuhimu wa kufanya hivyo. Lakini kodi tunayolipa ni kwa njia tofauti na labda hatuoni kuwa ni kodi halali. Tunapotoa michango ya harusi hiyo ni kodi ya aina yake kwani tunategemea huyo tunayemchangia naye atusaidie wakati wa shida; tunapotembelea wagonjwa hospitali tunawekeza kwa ajili ya matatizo ya usoni; tunapohudhuria misiba hatupotezi muda ila ni amana tunayorudishiwa pale na siye majanga yatakapotugusa. Waingereza wanasema, 'scratch my back and I will scratch yours'.
Wala hatuhitaji kwenda nchi za magharibi kuomba misaada!!!!! Baba wa Taifa aliwahi kusema hivi, ' Ili tuendelee twahitaji watu, ardhi, siasa safi na uongozi bora. Watu tunao wengi tu na kwa kweli uwiano wa wanaozaliwa huku juu kuliko wanaokufa; ardhi tunayakutosha, ila kinachokosekana ni siasa safi na uongozi bora wa kutumia vizuri raslimali watu na ardhi nchi iliyojawaliwa na Mwenyezi Mungu. Majuzi tulishuhudia janga la mafuriko kule kilosa, Morogoro. Nguvu tulizonazo kama watanzania zilijidhihirisha pale ambapo Radio binafsi na Kampuni ya simu vilivyoendesha kwa ufanisi mkubwa zoezi la kuchangisha pesa zilizowasaidia waanga wa yale mafuriko. Hii yaonyesha nguvu za ndani ya nchi zinavyoweza kufanya maajabu.
Serikali hamuoni nguvu za wananchi????????
Siye wananchi kwa makundi yetu twaweza, wala hatuhitaji $$$ kuendesha maisha yetu.Tunapozongwa na matatizo mengi twatafuta njia mbadala ya kutatua matatizo yetu na twaiweka kando serikali kuu, twazipiga kisogo serikali za mitaa, na kujihimu wenyewe.
Sasa hii ina maana gani? wakati dola inapokosa kuwajibika kwa wapiga kura wake, kinachotokea ni kwamba wapiga kura nao hawaoni umuhimu wa kuwajibika kwa dola. Wengi hatulipi kodi, na wala hatuoni umuhimu wa kufanya hivyo. Lakini kodi tunayolipa ni kwa njia tofauti na labda hatuoni kuwa ni kodi halali. Tunapotoa michango ya harusi hiyo ni kodi ya aina yake kwani tunategemea huyo tunayemchangia naye atusaidie wakati wa shida; tunapotembelea wagonjwa hospitali tunawekeza kwa ajili ya matatizo ya usoni; tunapohudhuria misiba hatupotezi muda ila ni amana tunayorudishiwa pale na siye majanga yatakapotugusa. Waingereza wanasema, 'scratch my back and I will scratch yours'.
Wala hatuhitaji kwenda nchi za magharibi kuomba misaada!!!!! Baba wa Taifa aliwahi kusema hivi, ' Ili tuendelee twahitaji watu, ardhi, siasa safi na uongozi bora. Watu tunao wengi tu na kwa kweli uwiano wa wanaozaliwa huku juu kuliko wanaokufa; ardhi tunayakutosha, ila kinachokosekana ni siasa safi na uongozi bora wa kutumia vizuri raslimali watu na ardhi nchi iliyojawaliwa na Mwenyezi Mungu. Majuzi tulishuhudia janga la mafuriko kule kilosa, Morogoro. Nguvu tulizonazo kama watanzania zilijidhihirisha pale ambapo Radio binafsi na Kampuni ya simu vilivyoendesha kwa ufanisi mkubwa zoezi la kuchangisha pesa zilizowasaidia waanga wa yale mafuriko. Hii yaonyesha nguvu za ndani ya nchi zinavyoweza kufanya maajabu.
Serikali hamuoni nguvu za wananchi????????
Friday, February 19, 2010
VITUKO simanzi vimetawala nyumbani kwa Mzee Naftal Chacha (60), mkazi wa Ukonga ambaye ni mstaafu wa Jeshi la Wananchi Tanzania (JWTZ), baada ya hausigeli wake, Odillia Mikka (15), kukutwa chumbani kwake akiwanga huku akiwa amekaa ndani ya ungo.
Ilikuwa kama mchezo wa kuigiza katika nyumba hiyo baada ya mtoto wa mwenye nyumba hiyo aliyejitambulisha kwa jina la Miriam Naftal kumkuta msichana huyo akiwa amechuchumaa ndani ya ungo uliosheheni ndumba kibao pamoja na nguo za ndani za mtoto mkubwa wa kike wa familia hiyo.Miriam baada ya kuingia katika chumba hicho ghafla alianza kupiga mayowe kumshtua msichana huyo ambapo familia nzima iliyokuwamo ndani ya nyumba hiyo iliingia chumbani huko ili kujionea kinachoendelea.
Baada ya kufika umati wa watu walimshuhudia hausigeli huyo akiwa ameshikwa na butwaa na walipomhoji alidai kuwa amechukua nguo za ndani za msichana wa mwenye nyumba huyo, Bhoke Naftal, ili azipeleke kwa bibi yake anataka kumuua kwa kumuweka msukule.Kutokana na kauli hiyo mwenye nyumba hiyo ambao ni Wasabato walianza maombi ndipo hausigeli huyo aliyefikia nyumba hiyo Desemba 24, 2009, alipoanza kujieleza mambo mbalimbali anayoifanyia familia hiyo kwa kushirikiana na bibi yake anayeishi kijiji cha Kitete mtaa wa Yangeyange Morogoro.
Hausigeli huyo alidai kuwa tangu afike katika nyumba hiyo bibi yake amekuwa akija usiku na hutembelea vyumba vyote vya nyumba hiyo na kuichezea familia nzima.Amesema kazi hiyo aliinza tangu akiwa na umri wa miaka minne ambapo mafunzo hayo aliyapata kwa bibi yake ambapo tangu aanze amefanikiwa kumuua mtoto mdogo wa miaka miwili wa tajiri yake mmoja anayeishi Morogoro ambaye hadi sasa wamemuweka msukule.Ameongeza kuwa alimuua mtoto huyo aliyekuwa na umri wa miezi mitatu ndani ya nyumba hiyo.
Baada ya kukiri kufanya kitendo hicho, wanafamilia ya mtoto huyo walimpiga na kumtimua kazi bila ya kumpa hata senti tano.Akizungumza na gazeti hili, hausigeli huyo amesema mara baada ya kufika katika nyumba hiyo bibi yake alikuja usiku na kumuomba damu ya Miriam Naftari (25), mtoto wa mwenye nyumba hiyo ambaye alikwenda kumchukua Morogoro bila kumuaga.Amesema kuwa usiku huo alijitahidi kumnyonya damu dada huyo aliyekwenda kumchukua lakini jitihada zilikwama kwa kuwa dada huyo alikuwa ameokoka.Kutokana na hali hiyo, bibi akaamua achukue nguo za dada mkubwa wa familia ya Mzee Naftal ili wamtoe kafara ambapo ilitakiwa afe jana ndipo aliamua kuchukua nguo ili amkabidhi bibi yake huyo.Msichana huyo amedai kuwa akiwa kwenye maandalizi hayo ndipo Miriam alipogundua kisha kupiga kelele kabla ya yeye kutimiza azima yake.
Kwa hiyo familia iliamua kuchukua uamuzi wa kumfikisha kituo cha Polisi Stakishari kwa ajili ya hatua zaidi ambapo kulifunguliwa kesi namba STK/RB/ 2520/2010 iliyoripotiwa jana.Akizungumza na gazeti hili, baba wa familia hiyo, Mzee Naftal, amesema anamshukuru Mungu kwa kuwa familia hiyo ni ya watu wenye kumcha Mungu kwani tangu hausigeli huyo afike katika nyumba hiyo kulikuwa na mabadiliko ndani ya nyumba hiyo ikiwa ni pamoja na homa za watoto zisizokwisha.Amesema kuwa wakati mwingine walikuwa wakilazimika kukesha kwa ajili ya maombi kutokana na kuchoka na vituko vinavyotokea mara kwa mara usiku. “Kwa kweli ilikuwa ni hali ya kutisha kwani kila baada ya siku mbili mtoto anaumwa mara huyu kesho huyu lakini hatukuacha maombi ambayo ndiyo yametoa majibu,” amesema.Habari hii itaendelea kesho ambapo tutawaelezea zaidi kuhusiana na namna ambavyo hausigeli huyo alikuwa akiifanyia familia hiyo na pia jinsi alivyokuwa akitumia ndumba na utaalam wake wa kurusha ndege hewani usiku.
Ilikuwa kama mchezo wa kuigiza katika nyumba hiyo baada ya mtoto wa mwenye nyumba hiyo aliyejitambulisha kwa jina la Miriam Naftal kumkuta msichana huyo akiwa amechuchumaa ndani ya ungo uliosheheni ndumba kibao pamoja na nguo za ndani za mtoto mkubwa wa kike wa familia hiyo.Miriam baada ya kuingia katika chumba hicho ghafla alianza kupiga mayowe kumshtua msichana huyo ambapo familia nzima iliyokuwamo ndani ya nyumba hiyo iliingia chumbani huko ili kujionea kinachoendelea.
Baada ya kufika umati wa watu walimshuhudia hausigeli huyo akiwa ameshikwa na butwaa na walipomhoji alidai kuwa amechukua nguo za ndani za msichana wa mwenye nyumba huyo, Bhoke Naftal, ili azipeleke kwa bibi yake anataka kumuua kwa kumuweka msukule.Kutokana na kauli hiyo mwenye nyumba hiyo ambao ni Wasabato walianza maombi ndipo hausigeli huyo aliyefikia nyumba hiyo Desemba 24, 2009, alipoanza kujieleza mambo mbalimbali anayoifanyia familia hiyo kwa kushirikiana na bibi yake anayeishi kijiji cha Kitete mtaa wa Yangeyange Morogoro.
Hausigeli huyo alidai kuwa tangu afike katika nyumba hiyo bibi yake amekuwa akija usiku na hutembelea vyumba vyote vya nyumba hiyo na kuichezea familia nzima.Amesema kazi hiyo aliinza tangu akiwa na umri wa miaka minne ambapo mafunzo hayo aliyapata kwa bibi yake ambapo tangu aanze amefanikiwa kumuua mtoto mdogo wa miaka miwili wa tajiri yake mmoja anayeishi Morogoro ambaye hadi sasa wamemuweka msukule.Ameongeza kuwa alimuua mtoto huyo aliyekuwa na umri wa miezi mitatu ndani ya nyumba hiyo.
Baada ya kukiri kufanya kitendo hicho, wanafamilia ya mtoto huyo walimpiga na kumtimua kazi bila ya kumpa hata senti tano.Akizungumza na gazeti hili, hausigeli huyo amesema mara baada ya kufika katika nyumba hiyo bibi yake alikuja usiku na kumuomba damu ya Miriam Naftari (25), mtoto wa mwenye nyumba hiyo ambaye alikwenda kumchukua Morogoro bila kumuaga.Amesema kuwa usiku huo alijitahidi kumnyonya damu dada huyo aliyekwenda kumchukua lakini jitihada zilikwama kwa kuwa dada huyo alikuwa ameokoka.Kutokana na hali hiyo, bibi akaamua achukue nguo za dada mkubwa wa familia ya Mzee Naftal ili wamtoe kafara ambapo ilitakiwa afe jana ndipo aliamua kuchukua nguo ili amkabidhi bibi yake huyo.Msichana huyo amedai kuwa akiwa kwenye maandalizi hayo ndipo Miriam alipogundua kisha kupiga kelele kabla ya yeye kutimiza azima yake.
Kwa hiyo familia iliamua kuchukua uamuzi wa kumfikisha kituo cha Polisi Stakishari kwa ajili ya hatua zaidi ambapo kulifunguliwa kesi namba STK/RB/ 2520/2010 iliyoripotiwa jana.Akizungumza na gazeti hili, baba wa familia hiyo, Mzee Naftal, amesema anamshukuru Mungu kwa kuwa familia hiyo ni ya watu wenye kumcha Mungu kwani tangu hausigeli huyo afike katika nyumba hiyo kulikuwa na mabadiliko ndani ya nyumba hiyo ikiwa ni pamoja na homa za watoto zisizokwisha.Amesema kuwa wakati mwingine walikuwa wakilazimika kukesha kwa ajili ya maombi kutokana na kuchoka na vituko vinavyotokea mara kwa mara usiku. “Kwa kweli ilikuwa ni hali ya kutisha kwani kila baada ya siku mbili mtoto anaumwa mara huyu kesho huyu lakini hatukuacha maombi ambayo ndiyo yametoa majibu,” amesema.Habari hii itaendelea kesho ambapo tutawaelezea zaidi kuhusiana na namna ambavyo hausigeli huyo alikuwa akiifanyia familia hiyo na pia jinsi alivyokuwa akitumia ndumba na utaalam wake wa kurusha ndege hewani usiku.
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